Third party service

The Institute can provide paid services, in compliance with the current Regulations for the Generation, Management and Enhancement of Intellectual Property on the results of CNR research, for services on behalf of third parties (Contractual research).
The laboratories of the Institute of Polar Sciences carry out chemical, chemical-physical, microbiological analyzes on various environmental matrices, issuing the relevant certificate or technical / scientific reports.
The analyzes are performed ONLY UPON REQUEST sent by email to the address of the Laboratory / Instrumentation Contact and in cc to the Director of the Institute (direttore.isp AT for the Venice headquarters and the secondary site of Padua or to Head of branches (responsabile_bo AT; responsabile_me AT; responsabile_rm AT for the secondary sites of Bologna, Messina and Rome, containing the name, address and signature of the Applicant. The analyzes to be carried out, the number of samples and everything else to be requested must be listed.
By the mere fact of submitting the request, the rules and consequent charges are understood to be known and accepted by the Applicant. After receiving the request, the Contact Person, having obtained the clearance from the Director / Head of the branches, will send a cost quotation and indicate an expected date of delivery of the results.
The samples to be analyzed must be sent, free of all charges, to the branches of the contact person according to the methods indicated in the quotation. The rates that will be communicated are net of VAT and include the execution of the analyzes and the sending of a form containing the related results. No interpretation and / or evaluation of the analysis results will be made by the laboratory involved.

Servizio erogato Laboratorio Sede ISP 
1 Servizi Base per analisi microbiologiche EcoBiM Messina
2 Rivitalizzazione/isolamento di ceppi batterici EcoBiM Messina
3 Caratterizzazione ceppi microbici EcoBiM Messina
4 Analisi della comunità microbica mediante fingerprinting molecolare MAMB Messina
5 Analisi del genoma microbico EcoBiM Messina
6 Analisi metagenomiche EcoBiM Messina
7 Analisi del trascrittoma EcoBiM Messina
8 Determinazione della biomassa procariotica MAMB Messina
9 Quantificazione di cellule con attività respiratoria MAMB Messina
10 Quantificazione di cellule vitali con membrane integre MAMB Messina
11 Determinazione dell’attività respiratoria microbica BiogeM Messina
12 Tassi di attività enzimatica extracellulare microbica BiogeM Messina
13 Determinazione del contenuto in pigmenti clorofilliani BiogeM Messina
14 Analisi dei nutrienti, pH e O2 HydroChem Messina
15 Sviluppo di metodi IC-MS Venezia
16 Sviluppo di metodi LC-MS Venezia
17 Interpretazione dei tracciati SPME/GC/MS Padova
18 Analisi di Mercurio Totale Venezia
19 Analisi di Carbonio totale (TC), Azoto totale (TN), Carbonio organico (OC) SpeM Venezia
20 Analisi elementare (a livello di ultra-tracce) di campioni ambientali SpeM Venezia
21 Analisi quantitativa ed identificazione di microplastiche MiP Venezia

Other instrumentation

Third party service






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   National Research Council
   Institute of Polar Sciences
   c/o Scientific Campus - Ca' Foscari University Venice - Via Torino, 155 - 30172 VENEZIA MESTRE (VE)
   Phone: +39 041 2348547 - E-mail: protocollo.isp AT
   Fax: +39 041 2348 549 - Codice Fiscale: 80054330586 - P.I.:02118311006

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