Acoustic Biodiversity and marine ecology Lab (BioSoundEcology Lab)

Short description
The experimental activities carried out at the BioSoundEcology Lab in Messina are focused on the analysis of biological underwater acoustic sources and the study of the ecological dynamics of marine vertebrates and invertebrates in polar habitats. In addition, the impacts of anthropogenic acoustic sources on the ecology, physiology and behaviour of marine organisms are assessed. In particular, through the study of the sounds generated by animals, the biological and ecological aspects are investigated. The analysis of the noise from human activities provides useful elements for understanding the effects on animals through the study of their behavioural and physiological responses.

Matrices of interest
The activities are mostly ascribable to marine habitats.

Study techniques
At the BioSoundEcology Lab, acoustic data acquisition in field/controlled environment and assessment of animal responses to environmental noise disturbance are carried out, in particular:
- Acoustic data analysis;
- Estimation of underwater noise and environmental acoustic components;
- Evaluation of ecological dynamics through the analysis of the vocalizations of marine animals;
-Analysis of the biochemical, physiological and behavioural responses of animals exposed to acoustic disturbance;
- Study of the acoustic ecology of marine mammals.

The Lab is equipped with instrumentation for passive acoustic monitoring in the field (hydrophones and autonomous acoustic data acquisition systems) and for studies of the effects of noise on marine organisms in controlled environment (cameras, amplifier, acoustic transducer, software for acoustic and behavioral analysis).
For details: Dr. Francesco Filiciotto – francesco.filiciotto AT

Other instrumentation

Third party service






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L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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   Institute of Polar Sciences
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