Working Group on International Cooperation

Working Group on International Cooperation

The Working Group "International Cooperation" partakes in and supports the international cooperation activities of ISP. It is made up of 4 members, appointed by the Director. A not exhaustive list of their tasks includes:

  - assist the director in managing the international cooperations in progress;
  - support the preparation and signing of new collaborations and agreements with international institutions;
  - support the director in responding to requests that may come from Ministries and / or national and international organizations with respect to international cooperation;
  - sustain the participation of the Institute in international coordination programs; in particular the EU Polar Cluster, EU Polarnet 2, as well as the national representative role in SAON;
  - collect and provide background information on current developments in the polar regions relevant to/for international cooperation;
  - offer an advisory function to specific requests of the Director in relation to international collaboration.

The WG International Cooperation has the general objective of preserving the wealth of skills and relationships that have been accumulated over the years, favoring a natural generational turnover within the Institute, and at the same time fully developing the function of ISP as a point of reference for the national polar research community towards its international counterparts.
Contact: Isp-relazioni-internazionali AT
The International Cooperation WG of the Institute of Polar Sciences consists of: :

Nicoletta Ademollo       Warren Raymond Lee Cairns
Angelina Lo Giudice       Chiara Venier
Vito Vitale (Coordinator)

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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   National Research Council
   Institute of Polar Sciences
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