Chemistry of Hydrosphere Laboratory (HydroChem)

Brief description
The research activities carried out in the HydroChem laboratory in Messina are aimed at studying the marine (coastal and pelagic) and lake water bodies, providing technical-scientific support to the study of biogeochemical cycles and ecological processes also in relation to marine acidification, as well as studies of microbial biomass conducted in the MAMB Laboratory. In particular, analyses of oxygen, salinity, pH, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and particulate organic carbon are performed. As part of the environmental monitoring activity, several prototype nutrient analyzers were tested both on fixed platform and on boat, at pristine or anthropogenically polluted sites.

Matrices of interest
The analyzed matrices are mostly attributable to the hydrosphere (marine, river and lake waters, brines).

The laboratory is equipped with basic instrumentation for environmental chemistry [spectrophotometer, spectrofluorimeter, luminometer, digital burette for oxygen titration, centrifuge, salinometer, automatic nutrient analyzers (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and orthophosphates), extraction hoods, vacuum pumps, filtration septa, magnetic shaker, pHmeter].
For details: Dr. Filippo Azzaro – filippo.azzaro AT

Other instrumentation

Third party service






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   National Research Council
   Institute of Polar Sciences
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   Phone: +39 041 2348547 - E-mail: protocollo.isp AT
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