Ice Memory is an international Research Project, recognized by UNESCO, which aims to preserve a testimony from current glaciers, threatened by global warming, for future generations. The project aims to collect ice cores from glaciers all over the world and to store them in a library to preserve the information that such real archives of past eras can provide. For this purpose, a site has been set up in Antarctica, where the cores will be transferred and stored to safeguard the information contained therein for future generations of scientists.

Starting in 2015 various core drilling campaigns in different parts of the planet have been performed:
  - Col du Dôme, Mt Bianco, Italy
  - Nevajo Illimani, Bolivia
  - Mt Elbrus, Georgia
  - Altai, Russia
  - Grand Combin, Switzerland
Contact person: carlo.barbante AT
For further information visit

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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