
Meroni Simone Graduated in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Bicocca in 2023. The thesis focused on characterizing the carbonaceous and mineral content of Light Absorbing Particles deposited on the snow surface of the Shallap Glacier (Peru), including a modeling study based on back-trajectory analysis. Currently a Ph.D. student in Polar Sciences at Ca' Foscari University since December 2023, in collaboration with the Institute of Polar Sciences in Milan and Venice. The research aims to study the impact of biomass burning emissions and dust uplift on the Arctic atmosphere by analyzing the composition and the optical and microphysical properties of aerosols, integrating this information with the study of their source areas.

Monzali Matteo I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan, Italy.
My background includes a bachelor's degree in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Florence, followed by a master's degree in Physics of the Earth System at the University of Bologna.
My research focuses on snow and ice multispectral remote sensing, where I investigate the physical properties of the snowpack and the radiative effects that dust and algae have on it. Beyond my primary research, I am interested in drones, instrumentation, and atmospheric dynamics.

Moretti Simone Research associate at CNR-ISP, Bologna.
B.Sc. in Geology (2014) at the University of Bologna, M.Sc. degree (2016) in Earth Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Switzerland and PhD (2021) in geochemistry at ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.
His research is centred around the study of biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in the modern marine environment, and their reconstruction in the geological past. His study addresses some fundamentals aspects of the nitrogen cycle and its interconnections with the trophic structure of marine food webs and ocean oxygenation. In particular, he works on the development and application of geochemical methods aimed at analysis and interpretation of the nitrogen isotope composition (15N/14N) of organic matter trapped within the biomineral crystalline matrix of fossils and modern organisms, as well as on organic matter from phytoplankton and zooplankton and seawater nitrate.
He has been studying and working in research institutes abroad for a total of 8 years and he is currently associated as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. He is involved in 8 publications on international journals, 2 chapters books of the International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and 17 abstracts. He obtained a scholarship award from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and research funding from the International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network and the Max Planck Society. He participated in IODP expedition 383 to the Antarctic Ocean aboard R/V JOIDES Resolution.

Parmiggiani Fiorigi Flavio Degree in Physics from the University of Milan. Retired since 2013, he currently works as an associate researcher at CNR-ISAC where, since 2001, he has been Research Director. Recent research activity has been mainly carried out in the participation in two European projects:
The research topic for which the association with CNR-ISP was requested is the study of the characteristics and distribution of sea ice in polar areas with SAR images.

Petteni Agnese Graduated in Sciences and Technologies for Environment and Landscape at the University of Milano Bicocca, I am currently a PhD candidate in Polar Sciences at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. My research project focuses on water isotopes analysis of surface snow and Antarctic ice cores for reconstructing past temperatures. I have collaborated with CNR-ISP in Venice on developing Continuous Flow Analysis coupled with Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer system for continuous chemical and isotopic analysis. Additionally, I have contributed to instrument management and maintenance at the Dirigibile Italia station in Svalbard (Ny-Ålesund) during the winter season, and participated in the Ice Memory project by analyzing an alpine ice core. Currently, I am affiliated with CNR-ISP for cutting the Antarctic ice core retrieved from Little Dome C through the Beyond EPICA project.

Pulimeno Simone Graduated in Analysis and Management of the Environment from the University of Bologna, he began his collaboration with the Institute of Polar Sciences in 2019, conducting a study on identifying biomass burning events in Ny-Ålesund between 2010 and 2020. Currently a PhD student in Polar Sciences at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, he works at the ISP in Bologna. He mainly focuses on studying the optical and physical properties of atmospheric particulate matter, with a special focus on the Arctic region. He uses passive techniques like solar and lunar photometry, combining them with in-situ measurements of the scattering and absorption coefficients of solar radiation by aerosols.

Rizzo Carmen She obtained the Ph.D title in Environmental Sciences in 2013 from the University of Messina and spent six years as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Messina, Department CHIBIOFARAM. Since 2019, she is Researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Department of Marine Biotechnology. Research activities are mainly focused on microbial ecology, specifically focused on prokaryotic diversity, bacterial bioprospecting for the research of marine natural products to be applied in the biomedical and environmental field (in temperate and polar habitats). Particular interest is paid to the association of bacteria with filter-feeding organisms and mainly oriented to the study of bioactive molecules. She has improved her laboratory skills during several stays in foreign institutions, i.e. Karlsruhe Institute of Biotechnology (Germany), and Centro de Ciências do Mar Universidade do Algarve (Portugal).
She participated to oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea and to the 34th Antarctic Campaign at the Italian Research Station Mario Zucchelli. She has competence in drafting experimental designs, formulation of research aims and profiling of plans for data collection and analysis, interpretation and presentation of statistical findings, biostatistical analyses. She attended specialized courses on microbial metagenome analysis, cultivation and new-generation molecular methods, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry methods.
To date, she is involved in research projects on polar topics (Arctic and Antarctic microbiology). She is Topic Editorial Board Member of the open-access journals Environments, and is author or co-author of more than thirty papers in peer-reviewed journals (h-index 10, 284 citations).

Scopus - Author ID: 55619021900

Securo Andrea Geosciences graduate from the University of Trieste, currently pursuing a PhD in Polar Sciences at Ca' Foscari University as part of the Local Glaciers Sisimiut (LoGS) project.

His research interests revolve around the cryosphere in polar and alpine environments, employing a combination of remote sensing, geomorphological and glaciological techniques.

Selbmann Laura Laura Selbmann, MSc in Biological Sciences, PhD in Biological Evolution and Biochemistry, Associate Professor at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo. Regular guest at the Westerdijk Institute, The Netherlands from 2004 to 2010. Member of the Life Science Group of the Scientific Committee for Research in Antarctica (SCAR) since 2021. Member of MIRRI-Italia (Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure) since 2019. Since 2009 Scientific Director of the Italian National Museum of Antarctica (MNA), Mycological Section, Genoa, Italy. Her main field of study concerns microorganisms from extreme environments and in particular fungi, coordinator of many national and international projects (PNRA, PRIN, ASI, JGI, EMSL). He has participated in 4 Italian Antarctic expeditions (2010-11, 2015-16, 2018-19 and 2021-22), both at the "Mario Zucchelli" Station and the US "McMurdo" Station. He has dedicated his professional life to the study of Antarctic microbial cryptoendolithic communities to investigate their evolution and adaptation during extremes and explore them as early warning systems to monitor the effect of climate change. To date he has described more than 20 new fungal genera and more than 50 new fungal species, most of which from Antarctica. He has published > 140 articles and 4 book chapters. H index 41 Scopus; >8k citations.
Google scholar

Severi Mirko He received his bachelor's degree in Chemistry at the University of Florence in 2000. From 2001 to 2004, in the framework of his PhD at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, he worked on the development of semi-continuous ion chromatography coupled to Flow Analysis systems within the European project EPICA (European project for Ice Coring in Antarctica). On 20 April 2004 he got his PhD in Chemical Sciences. He took part in the national research campaigns in Antarctica 2001-2002 and 2003-2004 in the bases of Dome Concordia and Baia Terra Nova running chromatographic analyses in situ on a deep ice core perforated at Dome C as part of the EPICA project.
Since June 2002, he took part to several EPICA-DML and TALDICE ice core processing campaigns at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven (D). He participated to numerous sampling campaigns in the Arctic (at the Dirigibile Italia base in Ny Alesund) for the study of climate change through the monitoring of atmospheric aerosol. From December 2004 to 31st January 2018 he was the holder of several fellowships and research grants focused on to the development and application of analytical methods on ice cores and climate archives. From 01/02/2018 to 30/11/2018 he was Fixed term Researcher (RTDa) at the "Ugo Schiff" Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence SSD CHIM / 01. Starting from 01/12/2018 he held the position of Tenure track Researcher (RTDb) at the "Ugo Schiff" Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence SSD CHIM / 01. He is associated Professor at University of Florence since 1st December 2021.

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