Azzaro Maurizio

Azzaro Maurizio He has obtained two degrees (Biological Sciences; Natural Sciences) and a PhD in Marine Sciences and Engineering.
His research activities are mainly focused on the study of the functioning of polar ecosystems with an interdisciplinary approach dedicated to various topics ranging from microbial ecology and the study of the microbial food web, to the study of biodiversity and the functioning of marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
During his career he has addressed issues related to the development of new technologies in polar areas (areas marginal to marine glaciers), the effects of pollution (heavy metals, oil, plastics, etc.) and global changes on marine and terrestrial microbial communities. Attention was also paid to the conservation and protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems with particular reference to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
He in thirty years of research has carried out a fervent field activity in a wide spectrum of marine and terrestrial environments: permafrost, sea ice, lakes (temperate and frozen), fjords, transitional areas, coastal areas, pelagic areas (Epi-, meso- and bati-pelago), marginal seas and polar areas. Overall, it has participated in national and international research projects (> 50), in over 60 scientific expeditions in Arctic, Antarctica (in 3 scientific coordinator of the expedition), China, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea (in 7 as Head of Mission).
During his career he has published more than 100 publications in national and international journals. Since 2019 he is responsible for the section of the Institute of Polar Sciences of Messina.

Scopus - Author ID: 6602752439

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