CTER IV livello – IT Manager
System administrator of the CNR-ISP Messina detached branch. In this context, it carries out the following activities:
- Access Port Manager (APM) - technical reference to the GARR;
- maintains the network infrastructure of the Messina institute;
- maintains network services and, in particular, the servers (e.g. file server, web server, firewall, DNS, NAT, etc…) for the delivery of transversal and local services;
- management of transmission networks (LAN and wireless);
- management of routing polices (router CISCO and firewall);
- hardware and software assistance and support to workstations in offices and laboratories;
- support for videoconferencing;
- use of statistical software for processing and interpretation of experimental results (in particular through the use of R, a specific development environment for statistical analysis of data).
He also manages the local staff institute data: attendance, absence, skills, meal vouchers, through ePAS, the system for detecting and managing attendance of CNR staff.