I'm an analytical chemist specialised in trace elemental analysis, and trace element speciation studies. My goals include determining the role, fate and toxic effects of heavy metals in the environment and their impact on humanity. Recently I have been concentrating on mercury, it's atmospheric concentrations and presence in snow, ice and ground water, with particular emphasis on deposition phenomena. I have participated in 2 Antarctic Expeditions to Concordia Station and am the Italian National Expert on the POPs and Mercury Expert Groups of AMAP, the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program as well as on the Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP).
I have co-authored over 64 publications and I am a writer for the Atomic Spectrometry Updates Environmental Analysis review of the Royal Society of Chemistry. I obtained my degree in Environmental Chemistry from the University of East Anglia, followed by an M.Sc in Analytical Chemistry, I obtained my Ph.D from the University of Plymouth in 1996.
Scopus - Author ID: 7003572964 Research Gate: Warren Cairns