Maimone Giovanna

Maimone Giovanna She is currently CTER - IV level at the Institute of Polar Sciences in Messina.

She has participated to numerous oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea with particular regard to the collection, treatment and analysis of samples. She actively participates at national and international research projects on polar issues.
Her research activities are mainly devoted to the study of the ecology of bacterial populations in aquatic samples (seawater and brines) and permafrost. In particular: to the study of the biomass of prokaryotes by counting and morphometric and morphological analyses, through the application of microscopic techniques in epifluoresence and image analysis; the estimation of physiological profiles at community level of prokaryotes through BIOLOG Ecoplate; the quantification of viable cells through the use of biomarkers (LIVE/DEAD and CTC). She also performs graphic and statistical processing of experimental data and collaborates in the drafting of scientific papers.

Scopus - Author ID: 7801432695

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