BSc Degree in Geology at the University of Pisa in April 2016, with a thesis on the acquisition of new dendrochronological curves for the implementation of the existing dataset of Larix decidua Miller in Alta Val di Sole. In October 2017 she pursued a MSc Degree in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University of Pisa, with a dissertation on new surface exposure ages (3He) of deposits and surfaces of glacial erosion in Northern Victoria Land for the reconstruction of Pleistocene variations of the East-Antarctica sheet. Postgraduate trainee at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center (SUERC) in Glasgow (UK) from January to April 2018, and UniPi fellow (August-September 2018). PhD (2018-2022) in Science and Management of Climate Change (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) with a project focused on the development of a new Continuous Flow Analysis system (CFA) for the determination of biomass burning tracers, trace elements and insoluble dust particles in Alpine ice cores, with palaeoclimatological reconstructions of the Grand Combin (Switzerland) and Weißseespitze (Austria) glaciers. Currently research fellow at the CNR Institute of Polar Sciences (CNR-ISP) in Venice Mestre, for the FISR-Ice Memory-An International Salvage Program project. Her project focuses on the implementation of hardware/software systems for the development of innovative analytical techniques for the analysis of ice cores through CFA systems.