Gambaro Andrea

Gambaro Andrea Full Professor at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Since 2003 he has supervised teaching activities in the Degree Courses in Chemistry, in Chemical Sciences for Conservation and Restoration (SCCR), in Materials Science and Technologies and in Environmental Sciences. His research is focused mainly on: 1) studies on the origin, seasonal evolution and environmental fate of organic sulfur compounds of biological origin (dimethyl sulfide, carbon sulfide and dimethyl sulfonyopropionate) produced in the aquatic system; 2) development of analytical methodologies for the determination of organic micro pollutants (PCB, PAH, PCN, PBDE, PCDD, PCDF, IA) in environmental matrices (water, sediment, atmospheric aerosol) by gas chromatography coupled to both low and high resolution mass spectrometry; 3) development of analytical methodologies for the determination of natural organic compounds (amino acids, sugars, methoxyphenols, algal and fungal toxins, etc.. ) and anthropic (fragrances, aromatic pollutants) in water, biota, aerosol, snow and ice by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for the study of local, global contamination and climate change. This activity has led to collaborations with various research groups (Griffith University, Australia; University of Charleston, U.S.A.; Boston College, U.S.A.; University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; University of Belgrade, Serbia; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Rijeka, Croatia; University of Tirana, Albania, etc.. ).
As part of the National Antarctic Research Programme he was responsible for Research Unit (UO) in 2004-2006; Principal Investigator in 2010-2012; responsible of UO in 2013-2014 and since 2016.
The research activity has led to the publication of over 140 publications of which 126 appear on SCOPUS, 10 chapters of books and about 200 communications at national and international conferences (h-index= 30).

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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