Lupi Angelo

Lupi Angelo His main activities are focused in the study of the optical properties of the atmosphere, the interactions between ultraviolet radiation, visible and infrared with atmospheric constituents; his research interests have turned to the impact that aerosols, trace gases and clouds exert on the radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system, focusing in particular on the assessment of the direct radiative effects produced by the aerosol, on the assessment of the radiation balance in the polar areas and the role that gas trace, aerosols and clouds in these regions have particularly sensitive.
The scientific activity has been divided among the experimental research (mainly solar photometry, measurements of downwelling and upwelling radiative fluxes in the visible and near-and far-infrared, aerosol optical and physical properties), and modelling using radiative transport codes for the evaluation of the radiative fluxes in the atmosphere. Over the past years he has participated at multiple Antarctic polar campaigns, gaining experience in instrumentation and data analysis. He is co-author of more than 50 articles in international journals.

Scopus - Author ID: 7005284903    ORCID

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