Di Leo Guglielmo

Di Leo Guglielmo He holds a degree in economics from the University of Messina, where he obtained a Master's degree in Economic-Business Sciences with honours and a 1st Level Master's degree in Expert for Economic-Business Professions. Over the years, he has developed a solid background in administration within the CNR, where she initially held the position of curricular and extracurricular trainee at the former CNR-IAMC and CNR-IRIB sites in Messina. The training he undertook also led him to win a scholarship at the CNR-IRIB Messina site. Thanks to his experience as a scholarship holder, where he was mainly involved in supporting: the reporting of regional and national projects; expenditure management, with the preparation of contracting determinations, acquisition of smart CIGs, expenditure orders with subsequent registration of the contract on the SIGLA system, registration of invoices; personnel management; essential support to the management of the institute's administrative activity. Since November 2023, he has been employed with an open-ended contract of employment with the profile of Technical Collaborator, level VI, and currently works in the administrative office of the CNR-ISP Messina office.

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L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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