Smedile Francesco

Smedile Francesco Education
2010 – PhD (Environmental Science: Marine Environment and Resource) University of Messina Italy
2005 – Degree in Biological Science (110/110 with academic price). University of Messina Italy. Erasmus student at the National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland).

He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences (CNR-ISP). He is currently involved in Marine microbiology ecology and Biotechnology in particular:
• Application of omics techniques to study microbial diversity.
• Microbial biodiversity in extreme environment: deep sea, shallow and deep hydrothermal vents, hypersaline environments, Antarctic sea Ice, and subglacial lakes.
• Microbial bioremediations in oil-polluted environments
• Biotechnologies for marine bioremediation.
• Biotechnology application of microbes isolated from extremes environments.
Participant in NSF-sponsored project and different European Union Funded project Participant in several oceanographic expeditions aboard R/V Urania, R/V Europe, R/V Minerva I, R/V L’Atalante, R/V Laura Bassi. Participant in several field-work and 3 Antarctic expeditions.
Reviewer for the peer review journal for Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Microbiology Reports, Journal of Cleaner Production, Marine Genomics, Microorgansims, Marine Science and Engineering, Diversity, Chemosphere.  Extreme Microbiology (specialty section of Frontiers in Microbiology).

ORCID    Scholar    Scopus - Author ID: 15061770400

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