Was born in Saratov, Russia. In 1990 he received his Doctorate Degree (PhD) from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2001, as a CNR employee, he has experience in marine molecular microbiology and has studied the microbial communities thriving in extreme environments, such as deep-sea hypersaline anoxic lakes, shallow thermal vents, crystallizer ponds of solar salterns, Antarctic sea-ice and Antarctic subglacial lakes. He is an internationally renowned expert in isolation and characterization of taxonomically and physiologically new extremely halophilic anaerobes, including sulfidogenic and polysaccharide-degrading haloarchaea, methylotrophic methanogens and previously uncultured representatives of the candidate phylum Nanohaloarchaea. He was the first to isolate the psychrophilic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium, Oleispira antractica. He is the author of over 180 peer-reviewed publications (Google H index 58, almost 12,000 citation as of October 2021), including articles in Nature, Nature Biotechnology and PNAS. He has co-authored 11 patents. He is editor on board or ad hoc editor of several microbiological journals. Over the past 10 years, he has coordinated four projects and participated in many projects financed by the European Union and other international and national structures, including active Horizon 2020 Project FUTURENZYME (2021-24). He was Chief Scientist during nine Mediterranean oceanographic expeditions and participated in six Italian expeditions in Antarctica. He was co-supervisor of seven PhD Thesis.
2007-currently: Referee in Peer Review Evaluations of the European Research Council (ERC). EMM Registration Number: EX2006C118906.
2018-currently: Expert in Faculty 1000 Prime Opinions: https://facultyopinions.com/prime.
2012-currently: Italian Society of Agro-Food and Environmental Microbiology (SIMTREA).
2016-currently: Society for General Microbiology, SGM, UK.
2017-currently: The Interregional Russian Microbiological Society, IRMS.
RESEARCHER ID H-1829-2016 Scopus - Author ID: 7005111470 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1418-363X Google Scholar