Zucchetta Matteo

Zucchetta Matteo Researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) since July 2020. Previously researcher at the University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy) and at the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). He received his PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University Ca’ Foscari Venice (Italy), after a thesis entitled “Habitat distribution models for the management of fishery and conservation concern species in lagoon environment”. His work was carried out in the framework of different EU (FP7, Horizon 2020, Interreg) and Italian (PRIN) projects, and his main research topics are: 1) analysis of the spatial distribution of plant and animal species in coastal water bodies; 2) Community ecology in transitional water ecosystems; 3) Use of fish fauna assemblages as indicators of ecosystem ecological status; 4) Ecological models for food webs analysis; 5) Climate change effects on aquatic ecosystems.

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