The Institute Advisory Board (Art. 13, Regolamento Organizzazione e Funzionamento CNR del 2019) consists of the Director, who presides over it, six elected representatives of the researchers and technologists of the Institute and one technical-administrative staff representative.
Previous Advisory Board
The ISP Advisory Board members are:
Mauro Sclavo
(Interim Director)
C.Barbante (until 2024/30/04)Warren Raymond Lee Cairns
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists)Pamela Cialli
(Representative of the
Technical-Administrative staff) Fabiana Corami
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists)
Francesco Filiciotto
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists) Angelina Lo Giudice
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists)Angelo Lupi
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists)Francesca Spataro
(Representative of the
Researchers and Technologists)
December 21, 2019 - December 19, 2023
Director: Carlo Barbante
Representatives of the researchers and technologists: Maurizio Azzaro, Fabiana Corami, Federico Giglio, Elena Gregoris, Mauro Mazzola, Rosamaria Salvatori
Representative technical-administrative staff: Alessandro Cosenza
Interim Director - SCLAVO MAURO - direttore.isp AT
Contact with name.surname AT
ADEMOLLO NICOLETTA - Bologna - Researcher
ANTONELLI GIUSEPPE - Bologna - Technician
ARGIRIADIS ELENA - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348658
AZZARO FILIPPO - Messina - Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015419
AZZARO MAURIZIO - Messina - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015415
BARBARO ELENA - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348504
BEATRICI DANIELA - Roma-Tor Vergata - Technician - Phone: +39 06-45488568
BECHERINI FRANCESCA - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2346761
CAIRNS WARREN RAYMOND LEE - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348992
CARNIEL SANDRO - Venezia - Research Director (currently Research Director Division at the NATO STO CMRE in La Spezia)
CARUSO GABRIELLA - Messina - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015423
CASULA MARCO - Venezia - Technician (in temporary assignment at another facility of the Institution)
CAVALIERE ALICE - Bologna - Technologist
CAZZATO MARIA GIOVANNA - Venezia - Administrative assistant - Phone: +39 041-2348902
CESTER VALENTINA - Venezia - Technician - Phone: +39 041-2348547
CIALLI PAMELA - Roma-Tor Vergata - Administrative assistant - Phone: +39 06-45488349
COLUCCI RENATO R. - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 040-3756876
CORAMI FABIANA - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348658
COSENZA ALESSANDRO - Messina - Technician - Phone: +39 090-6015439
COZZI GIULIO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348935
CRISAFI FRANCESCA - Messina - Researcher
DALLO FEDERICO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348937
DE BIASIO FRANCESCO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348938
DE BLASI FABRIZIO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348659
DECEMBRINI FRANCO - Messina - Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015413
DI FRANCO SABINA - Roma-Montelibretti - Technologist - Phone: +39 06-90672394
DI LEO GUGLIELMO - Messina - Technician
DI MAURO BIAGIO - Milano - Researcher - Phone: +39 02-66173404
FILICIOTTO FRANCESCO - Messina - Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015420
GABRIELI JACOPO - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348911
GIGLIO FEDERICO - Bologna - Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6398904
GILARDONI STEFANIA - Milano - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 02-66173328
GIORDANO PATRIZIA - Bologna - Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6398902
GREGORIS ELENA - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348937
IAKIMOV MIKHAIL - Messina - Research Director
LA CONO VIOLETTA - Messina - Researcher
LA MESA MARIO - Bologna - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 071-2078838
LA SPADA GINA - Messina - Researcher
LANGONE LEONARDO - Bologna - Research Director - Phone: +39 051-6398870
LO GIUDICE ANGELINA - Messina - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 090-6015414
LUPI ANGELO - Bologna - Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6399588
MAIMONE GIOVANNA - Messina - Technician - Phone: +39 090-6015423
MAZZOLA MAURO - Bologna - Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6399592
MISEROCCHI STEFANO - Bologna - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6398880
MONTAGNA PAOLO - Bologna - Research Director - Phone: +39 051-63988913
NOGAROTTO ALESSIO - Bologna - Technician
PANSERA MARCO - Messina - Researcher
PAPALE MARIA - Messina - Researcher
PATROLECCO LUISA - Roma-Montelibretti - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 06-90672797
PESCATORE TANITA - Bologna - Researcher
PLINI PAOLO - Roma-Montelibretti - Researcher - Phone: +39 06-90672392
PORCINO NUNZIATINA - Messina - Researcher
RAUSEO JASMIN - Roma-Montelibretti - Researcher
SACCHETTO ALESSIO - Padova - Administrative assistant
SALERNO FRANCO - Milano - Senior Researcher (temporary assignment)
SCALABRIN ELISA - Venezia - Researcher – Phone: +39 041-2348938
SCIACCA VIRGINIA - Messina - Researcher
SMEDILE FRANCESCO - Messina - Researcher
SPATARO FRANCESCA - Roma-Montelibretti - Researcher - Phone: +39 06-90672852
SPOLAOR ANDREA - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348659
TESI TOMMASO - Bologna - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 051-6398864
TURETTA CLARA - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348947
VALENTINI EMILIANA - Roma-Montelibretti - Researcher
VARDE' MASSIMILIANO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348938
VENIER CHIARA - Venezia - Technologist - Phone: +39 041-2348992
VERAZZO GIULIO - Bologna - Technologist
VITALE VITO - Bologna - Research Director - Phone: +39 051-6399595
ZANELLA JACOPO - Padova - Technician - Phone: +39 049-8295714
ZANGRANDO ROBERTA - Venezia - Senior Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348945
ZANOTTO EMANUELA - Venezia - Technician - Phone: +39 041-2348922
ZUCCHETTA MATTEO - Venezia - Researcher - Phone: +39 041-2348937
The Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) of the National Research Council was born on June 1st, 2019 with act n.81 on 31/05/2019 of President Inguscio. The idea of a Polar Institute has its roots in research activities, which have expanded over time, starting from the first years of Antarctic research in 1985. The construction of the Italian base in Antarctica (MZS station) before and the base in the Arctic (DI station) afterwards, has allowed the development of two generations of polar researchers who have made these remote environments their natural laboratory and their home away from home.
Since its first expeditions in 1968, 1973 and 1978, the CNR has strongly supported the diplomatic action of the MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) which led to the accession of Italy to the Antarctic Treaty. The CNR initially contributed to identifying the construction site of the Italian station Mario Zucchelli and is currently coordinating the different lines of scientific activity of the National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA). The implementation of research in Antarctica is carried out by the national scientific community, of which 51% are university research groups, 23% CNR research groups, 9% from INGV, 5% from ENEA, 4 % from OGS and INAF and the remaining 4 % is carried out by other institutions. The scientific priorities identified within the framework of the National Research Program in Antarctica, are mostly multidisciplinary, and can be traced around the following topics: dynamics of the atmosphere and climate processes, dynamics of the polar ice cap, solid earth dynamics, polar ocean dynamics, Sun-Earth relationships and space-weather, the universe above Antarctica, evolution, adaptation and biodiversity, humankind in extreme environments, environmental contamination, paleoclimate, environmental issues and risks, as well as technology: innovation and experimentation. In many of these research areas, the CNR’s activity, thanks to its research network, is at an excellent level, although it is still fragmented into numerous institutes belonging to various departments.
The mission of the ISP is to contribute to increasing the quality of Italian scientific and technological research in the polar regions, and to provide knowledge on global changes in support of Italian and European environmental policies by the development of new technologies and survey methodologies.
The Institute aims to be a reference point for:
- CNR polar research; as ISP has extensive links to universities as well as national and international public and private bodies. ISP offers multidisciplinary skills and technologies that are essential to studying and protecting the environment;
- scientific personnel, able to make qualified contributions to the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA), the Arctic Research Programme (PRA) and European Commission projects through the development of research and monitoring activities;
- interdisciplinary polar cooperation and research, including the development of meetings, publications, research opportunities and complementary activities, and interacting with society;
- the standardisation of measurements and preparation methods to improve the quality of results, and the development of coordinated measures aimed at common research plans and/or general common objectives;
- the training of the next generation of polar scientists.
Fulfilling our mission will allow us to improve our understanding of the climatic changes taking place in the Arctic and Antarctic environments and possible future developments at both polar and global levels. Our studies address research issues related to both the chemical/geochemical and physical aspects of the poles using a multidisciplinary approach to protect these vulnerable extreme environments. The repercussions of climate change on these dynamics are still largely unknown and will require integrated research using long term multidisciplinary methods to understand them fully.
Institute of Polar Science (CNR-ISP)
SCLAVO MAURO Interim Director
Degree in Physics, University of Padua; Post Graduate School in Maritime and Coastal Engineering, University of Padua. In 1996-1997 Human Capital Mobility EC grant at Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (Birkenhead-Liverpool, UK) where he made research on numerical and physical sensitivity in coastal and shallow water environments.
Researcher at CNR from 1998, presently Director of Research at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISP). He has done research work on wind wave modelling and on coastal processes with special focus on sediment transport; the models used are numerical wave and sediment transport models coupled with 3D circulation models. His research interests currently are the physical processes at the air-water and water-sediment interfaces, the wave-current coupling and the wave climate variations due to climate changes and their impact on coastal vulnerability.
Other interests include the application of indicators for the integrated management of the coastal zone and the measurements of wave spectra with stereoscopic techniques.
Co-author of more than 70 scientific papers in ISI journals and of more than 150 conference papers; co-author of 2 patents and editor of MEDATLAS: Wind and Wave Atlas of the Mediterranean Sea. He participated in and coordinated several national and international research projects. In 2017 and 2018 he has been Head of the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR).
Previous directors:
• Carlo Barbante (From the 1st May 2020 until the 30th April 2024)
• Leonardo Langone - Interim Director (From the 1st June 2019 until the 30th April 2020)
Avviso di selezione n° ISP-AR04-2024-BO, prot. 497319, scadenza 17 Gennaio 2025
Pubblica selezione per il conferimento di n° 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del programma di ricerca DTA.AD001.376 Funzionamento e supporto Base artica Italiana Dirigibile Italia - Isole Svalbard (Norvegia), da svolgersi presso l’Istituto di Scienze Polari (CNR-ISP) – CUP B13C24004800001.
Tipologia di Assegno: A) Assegni Professionalizzanti
Avviso di selezione n° ISP-AR05-2024-VE, prot. 488734, PROROGA scadenza 13 Gennaio 2025 10 FEBBRAIO 2025
Pubblica selezione per il conferimento di n° 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del programma di ricerca Autonomous Multi-Format In-Situ Observation Platform for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Monitoring in Permafrost & Wetlands - MISO, finanziato dalla European Research Executive Agency (REA), programma HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01 (CUP: B73C22001870006), da svolgersi presso l’Istituto di Scienze Polari (CNR-ISP), Sede di Venezia Mestre.
Tipologia di Assegno: C) Assegno Senior - PROROGA SCADENZA 10 FEBBRAIO 2025
E-mail: giuseppe.antonelli AT
E-mail: daniela.beatrici AT
- Treasurer of the secondary site of Rome
Administrative Secretariat: CESTER VALENTINA
Phone: +39 041 2348547
E-mail: isp-amministrazione-ve AT
- Coordination of the Institute’s administrative secretariat;
- preparation and management of the Institute’s budget;
- administrative and accounting management of active contracts;
- management of the Institute’s contract staff (temporary staff, research grants), through the preparation of all documents (selection notices/notices, publication, ranking measures, letters of entrustment/contracts to the winners) including accounting management;
- administrative support for examining committees during the stages of carrying out insolvency procedures;
- support to the Institute’s researchers in preparing budgets for applications for funding for national and European research projects;
- management and reporting of national and European research projects;
- support for the management of the Institute by the preparation of the documentation requested by central administration of CNR.
Phone: +39 06 45488349
E-mail: pamela.cialli AT
- Management of the Protocol and Attendance Certificates for the Secondary Offices of Roma Montelibretti and Roma Tor Vergata.
- Collaboration with the head office for:
- verification of the accounting data relating to mission orders and consequent reimbursements for all the Institute’s offices;
- preparation of all administrative acts relating to purchase orders.
E-mail: alessandro.cosenza AT
- Treasurer of the secondary site of Messina
E-mail: guglielmo.dileo AT
E-mail: alessio.nogarotto AT
- Treasurer of the secondary site of Bologna
E-mail: alessio.sacchetto AT
Phone: +39 049 8295714
E-mail: jacopo.zanella AT
Phone: +39 041 2348902
E-mail: emanuela.zanotto AT
- Treasurer of the headquarters of Venice;
- management of expenditure orders procedure (measures, checks of requirements, electronic market);
- support to payment procedures for passive invoices;
- support for the management of mission orders.
Working Group on International Cooperation
The Working Group "International Cooperation" partakes in and supports the international cooperation activities of ISP. It is made up of 4 members, appointed by the Director. A not exhaustive list of their tasks includes:
- assist the director in managing the international cooperations in progress;
- support the preparation and signing of new collaborations and agreements with international institutions;
- support the director in responding to requests that may come from Ministries and / or national and international organizations with respect to international cooperation;
- sustain the participation of the Institute in international coordination programs; in particular the EU Polar Cluster, EU Polarnet 2, as well as the national representative role in SAON;
- collect and provide background information on current developments in the polar regions relevant to/for international cooperation;
- offer an advisory function to specific requests of the Director in relation to international collaboration.
The WG International Cooperation has the general objective of preserving the wealth of skills and relationships that have been accumulated over the years, favoring a natural generational turnover within the Institute, and at the same time fully developing the function of ISP as a point of reference for the national polar research community towards its international counterparts.
Contact: Isp-relazioni-internazionali AT
The International Cooperation WG of the Institute of Polar Sciences consists of: :
Nicoletta Ademollo Warren Raymond Lee Cairns
Angelina Lo Giudice Chiara Venier
Vito Vitale (Coordinator)
The CNR is present in various international coordination and scientific planning organizations in the Arctic and Antarctica. These include the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the European Polar Board (EPB), the Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO), the Ny-Ålesund Scientific Managers Committee (NySMAC) and the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON).
Furthermore, thanks to signed treaties or political agreements, the CNR actively supports the presence of our country, with its experts, in scientific organizations, committees and working groups. CNR researchers participate to the Working and Expert Groups of the Arctic Council (AC). With regards to Antarctica, the CNR takes an active part in the various permanent committees of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
ISP is strongly committed to guaranteeing the participation of the CNR in the SIOS (Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System) initiative whose purpose is to integrate, optimize and coordinate resources and research in the Svalbard archipelago at an international level.
In this context, the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) supports the CNR’s representation on international bodies with the presence of:
Acronym | Organisation | Name | Role |
Arctic Council - Arctic Contaminants Action Programme
POPs and Mercury Working group |
Warren Cairns | Component | |
Arctic Council - Expert Group on Black Carbon and Methane | Stefania Gilardoni | Component | |
Arctic Council - Arctic Monitoring & Assessment Programme | Nicoletta Ademollo, Vito Vitale | Components | |
Arctic Council - Arctic Monitoring & Assessment Programme
Mercury Working group and POPs Working group |
Warren Cairns | Component | |
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists National Committees |
Andrea Spolaor | Component | |
Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium | Leonardo Langone | CNR reprensentative | |
Marine Invasive Alien Species in Arctic Waters | Maurizio Azzaro | National Delegate | |
European Polar Board | Vito Vitale | CNR reprensentative | |
Forum of Arctic Research Operators | Mauro Mazzola | National reprensentative | |
An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes | Paolo Montagna | National Delegate | |
International Arctic Science Committee | Carlo Barbante | National Delegate | |
International Arctic Science Committee
Cryosphere Working Group |
Andrea Spolaor | Component | |
International Arctic Science Committee
Marine Working Group |
Tommaso Tesi | Component | |
International Permafrost Association | Renato R. Colucci | National Delegate | |
Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee | Angelo Viola | National representative | |
Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks | Vito Vitale | Component | |
Synoptic Arctic Survey Scientific Steering Committee | Maurizio Azzaro | Component | |
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Input Pathways of Persistent Organic Pollutants to Antarctica |
Nicoletta Ademollo | Component | |
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System
Board of Director |
Vito Vitale | Component | |
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System
Research Infrastructure Coordination Committee |
Mauro Mazzola, Stefania Gilardoni | Components | |
Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System
SIOS Data Management System Working Group |
Giulio Verazzo | Component | |
United Nations, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea,
World Ocean Assessment III |
Maurizio Azzaro | Expert |
There are no active fellowships
The Outreach and Communication Working Group is made up of 10 members, appointed by the Director, and with the following tasks:
- Development and updating of the institutional website.
- Check for updates of websites associated with national polar activities.
- Updating the public of our activities through social media.
- Organization of seminars.
- Internal communication within the Institute.
- Collection and cataloguing of ISP Communications and Dissemination activities.
- Collaboration with the CNR Outreach site working group.
- Collaboration with the Press Office of the CNR.
- Collaboration with the Communication Office of the CNR.
Contact: isp-gdl-comunicazione AT
The Communication WG of the Institute of Polar Sciences consists of:
Angelo Pietro Viola
(Coordinator from 2019 to March 2023 )
Daniela Beatrici
(Webmaster)Warren Raymond Lee Cairns
Francesco De Biasio
Angelina Lo Giudice
Mauro Mazzola
Paolo Montagna
Maria Papale
Jasmin Rauseo
Francesca Spataro
Clara Turetta
The section Open Administration is organized according to Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14 March 2013 Reorganization of the discipline concerning the obligations for advertisement, transparency and diffusion of information by the public administration (GU Serie Generale n. 80, 05/04/2013), as amended by D.lgs. 25 May 2016 n. 97 (GU Serie Generale n. 132, 08/06/2016).
The manager of transparency and bribery prevention of Institute of Polar Sciences is Prof. Carlo Barbante, Director ISP-CNR (email direttore.isp AT
Provision of nomination (n.48 del 20/04/2020)
Invitations to tender and contracts
- year 2024
- year 2023
- year 2022
- year 2021
- year 2020
- year 2019
Ministero dell'Universita e Ricerca
Programma Ricerche Artico
Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide
National Research Council
Institute of Polar Sciences
c/o Scientific Campus - Ca' Foscari University Venice - Via Torino, 155 - 30172 VENEZIA MESTRE (VE)
Phone: +39 041 2348547 - E-mail: protocollo.isp AT
Fax: +39 041 2348 549 - Codice Fiscale: 80054330586 - P.I.:02118311006
Unless otherwise indicated, the content of this site is licensed : Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
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