• Workshop: Developing a Framework for Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) in Terrestrial Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Ecosystems

    Dates: September 18-20, 2024
    Location: Scott Polar research Institute, Cambridge United Kingdom (with online participation options available)

    The workshop will be focused on developing a standardised framework for calculating Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for terrestrial Antarctic and sub-Antarctic ecosystems. This workshop will be held from September 18 (lunchtime) -20 (lunchtime), 2024, with both in-person and online participation options available.

    in Eventi
  • 2024 Arctic Circle Assembly 17-19 October 2024

    The Arctic Circle Assembly will be held in the Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre, Reykjavík, Iceland, on October 17 - 19.

    The annual Arctic Circle Assembly brings together governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, Indigenous communities, citizens, and others for a comprehensive and democratic Arctic dialogue. The Assembly is the largest gathering on Arctic affairs. It is a place for international engagement, cooperation, and celebration.

    in Eventi
  • ESA Training Course on Arctic Methane and Permafrost 9-24 September 2024 - UNIS, Svalbard, Norway

    The European Space Agency (ESA) is organising an Earth Observation (EO) training course in collaboration with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, SIOS. The course will be held for researchers, students, PhD students and young professionals who use EO technology within their research or work and want to improve their knowledge of remote sensing. In total 24 students can attend the summer school.



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  • Cryo2Ice Symposium - 23-27 September 2024 - Reykjavik, Iceland

    The Cryo2Ice Symposium focuses on work that makes use of CryoSat-2 or ICESat-2 or a combination of both satellites. 

    Missions Status: including CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 satellite systems, sensors, and data operations, calibration and validation. Sea Ice: including lead detection, snow loading, sea ice freeboard, roughness, thickness, dynamics and thermodynamics. Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves: including long-term, seasonal, and episodic changes in ice sheet, ice shelf, and iceberg elevation, thickness, and mass, ice sheet grounding line migration, and iceberg calving, and subglacial lakes and hydrology. Mountain Glaciers and Ice Caps: including long-term, seasonal, and episodic changes in elevation, thickness, and mass. Oceans and hydrology: including polar and coastal oceans, regional and global sea level rise, marine gravity, and land hydrology. Synergies and follow-on missions: including planned and future missions that build on the heritage of polar altimetry.

    in Eventi

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