Education and previous professional experience. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2003). Degree in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2000)
Senior researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (ISP-CNR), August 2019 – present. Researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council of Italy (ISAC-CNR), July 2011-July 2019. Visiting scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, February 2011- March 2011. Researcher at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, October 2007-September 2010. Researcher at the University of California San Diego, July 2005-September 2007. Researcher at the University of California Davis, February 2004-July 2005. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2003) Degree in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2000)
International activities. Editor for "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" (since 2013). Editor for "Aerosol and Air Quality Research" (since 2011). Guest Editor for "Atmosphere" special issue on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (2017). Referee for scientific papers: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research. Italian expert in the “Expert Group on Black Carbon and Methane” of the Arctic Council (since 2019). Working group leader for organic aerosol source apportionment of the COST Colossal project (2017-2021).
Area of scientific interest: Chemical and physical characterization of atmospheric aerosol with particular attention to the carbonaceous components, their chemical composition, microphysical properties, climate-relevant properties, and formation mechanisms. Cloud - aerosol interaction. Impact of air quality and climate change on fog formation.
Author of 58 publications in peer review journals and 5 chapters in books (h-index 21 – web of science)
Scopus - Author ID: 6602523027 WoS Researcher ID: P-1283-2014 Google Scholar