Where we are: the secondary office of the Institute of Polar Sciences of Bologna is located in the Research Area of Bologna. The ISP occupies a total area (offices and laboratories) of about 300 m2, distributed between 2 buildings, that are partly shared with ISAC (Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Science) and ISMAR (Institute of Marine Sciences) staff.
How to find us:
- by train: from Bologna Centrale train station you can take a taxi that will take you to your destination in 5 minutes, or you can take bus nr. 87 or nr. 37;
- by car: from the motorway take the Bologna Arcoveggio exit, from the ring road take exit no. 5, Lame District;
- by plane: from the Guglielmo Marconi airport you can take the Aerobus BLQ shuttle to the railway station, then a scheduled urban bus (as above), or you can take a taxi (cotabo.it, Phone:+39 051-372727 or taxibologna.it, Phone:+39 051-4590) which will take you to your destination in about 10 minutes.
ISP Secondary office of Bologna
Dr Stefano Miserocchi
E-mail: responsabile_bo AT isp.cnr.it
c/o Area della Ricerca di Bologna
Via P. Gobetti, 101 - 40129 Bologna (BO)
Phone:+39 051 6398880
Fax: +39 051 6398939
Where we are: the Institute of Polar Sciences occupies the 2nd floor of the DELTA building in the new Scientific Campus of Ca’ Foscari University (address: via Torino, 155, Venezia-Mestre). The new Scientific Campus of Mestre is a modern building complex consisting of five new buildings, two existing buildings and a new university residence.
How to find us: GPS coordinates: Lat. 45, 477790 - Long. 12, 254480 - UTM 33N 285419-5039695 - MAP
- by train: Venezia-Mestre railway station, bus Nr. 31H, stop Torino-Università, or bus Nr. 43, stop Torino-Università. From Institute to railway station, bus Nr. 32H, or Nr. 43. Porto Marghera railway station, 10-15 min walk;
- by car: the Institute can be reached by car with the possibility of parking temporarily inside the campus. Coming from Padua, take exit Venezia, 8 min, 5.3 Km;
- by plane: the nearest airport is Venice Marco Polo Airport. From the airport, bus Nr. 15 (to railway station of Venezia-Mestre), then bus Nr. 31H, stop Torino-Università, or Nr. 43, stop Torino-Università.
Where we are:The secondary office of Institute of Polar Sciences of Padova is located at the CNR Research Area of Padova, Corso Stati Uniti,4 - 35127 Padova. Map
How to find us:
- by train: from the Padova train station take bus n. 7;
- by car: from the A4 highway, exit at Padova Est and take the direction Piove di Sacco/Chioggia for a couple of kilometers. Take the exit n. 13 which brings to Corso Stati Uniti. After an U turn the CNR entrance is about 100 m after the underpass. From A13 highw, exit at Padova Zona Industriale and turn left in Corso Stati Uniti. The CNR entrance is at about 2 km on the left side (go up to the U turn);
- by plane: from the Venice or Treviso airport, take the train from Venezia-Mestre (or Treviso) to Padova and follow the indications given above for train.
Where we are
The building, in pure Art Nouveau style, is located on the Straits of Messina, in the shadow of the Montorsoli Lantern. Thanks to this position, it dominates the waters of the Straits and the Port. The building consists of a central body with three floors, which houses offices and studios, and two wings, with the laboratories. The ISP building in Messina is shared with the Institute for Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnologies (CNR-IRBIM) and there is also a park of about 10,000 square meters, where there is the main auditorium in a building that was originally the Royal National Shooting range.
How to find us
- By train: if you come from the peninsula, get off at the Villa San Giovanni rail station, then board the BlueJet fast ship heading towards Messina Porto Storico. Otherwise if you come from a Sicilian town, get off at Messina Centrale rail station. Once you arrive in Messina, call our office to arrange transfer by car to the Institute.
- By plane: Catania Fontanarossa is the closest airport. From the airport, take the SAIS-Autolinee bus to Messina Central Station. Once you arrive in Messina, call our office to arrange the transfer by car to the Institute.
- By car: the institute can be reached by car and there is on-site temporary parking available. If you come from the peninsula, once you reach Villa San Giovanni you can board the Caronte ship (runs every 40 minutes) and then, once in Messina, continue by car to the Institute. If, on the other hand, you come from a Sicilian town, take the A18 Messina-Catania, exit at Messina Centro and continue towards the institute following the directions here.
ISP Secondary office of Messina
Dr. Maurizio Azzaro
E-mail: responsabile_me AT cnr.it
Spianata S. Raineri 86 - 98122 Messina (ME)
Phone:+39 090 601 5415
Fax: +39 090 669 007
Secondary ISP site in Rome-Montelibretti
Where we are
The secondary site of the Institute of Polar Sciences of Rome - Montelibretti is located at the Rome 1 CNR-Research Area, Provincial Road 35d, km 0.700, 00010 Montelibretti (RM). The ISP staff, working in the Montelibretti Area, have 252 m2 of space (including offices and laboratories) which is distributed between 2 buildings, partly shared with the staff of IRSA (Water Research Institute) and IIA (Institute of Atmospheric Pollution research). Map
How to get here:
- by train: railway line FR1 (Fiumicino-Fara Sabina), get off at the "Pianabella di Montelibretti" stop and proceed for 200 m on foot to the Rome 1 CNR-Research Area.
- by car: the Institute can be reached by car with the possibility of temporary parking within the CNR-Research Area.
- by plane: from Fiumicino airport, take the FR1 railway line (Fiumicino-Fara Sabina), get off at the "Pianabella di Montelibretti" stop and proceed for 200 meters on foot to the Rome 1 CNR-Research Area.
ISP Secondary office of Roma
Dr. Luisa Patrolecco
E-mail: responsabile_rm AT isp.cnr.it
CNR Area della Ricerca di Roma 1
Via Salaria km 29,300 - 00015 Montelibretti (RM)
Phone:+39 06-90672797
Fax: +39 06-90672787
Where we are
The secondary site of Rome – Tor Vergata is located in the Research Area of Tor Vergata in via Fosso del Cavaliere 100 inside the Campus of the Tor Vergata University of Rome, near to Castelli Romani. This Research Area hosts different research and scientific Institutions such as ENEA, INFN, ASI and ESA. The ISP staff have a defined working area in building L (ex ISAC) and shares space with ISAC staff and have access to other Research Area services such as laboratories, the warehouse, workshops, and network services. The ISP staff can also make use of the infrastructure for laboratory and field experimental activities. Map
How to get here:
- by plane: from Fiumicino Airport take the Leonardo Express train (every 30 minutes) to Roma Termini. From Rome Termini, take Metro A, get off at Anagnina (terminus) and take bus 509 (every 30 minutes) to the terminus (CNR research area);
- by train: from Rome Termini, take Metro A, get off at Anagnina (terminus) and take bus 509 (every 30 minutes) to the terminus (CNR research area);
- by car: the area can be reached by car from the GRA Romanina - Torrenova exit, from the A1 exit Monteporzio Catone or Roma Sud exit, from Tuscolana or via di Passo Lombardo.
ISP Secondary office of Roma – Tor Vergata
Secondary site without administrative duties
Dr. Luisa Patrolecco
CNR - Area di Ricerca di Roma 2 – Tor Vergata
Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100
00133 ROMA
Phone:+39 +39 06 45488-349
+39 06 45488-629
Where we are
The secondary office of Institute of Polar Sciences of Milan is located at the CNR Area della Ricerca 3 Milano-Bicocca, Via Cozzi 53 - 20126 Milano. Map
How to find us
- by train: Greco-Pirelli Station
- by car: From the Turin-Venice highway (A4), take the "Milano - viale Zara" exit, head towards the center of Milan, then go to viale Sarca, the first street parallel to the one you are traveling on the left side. Continuing along Viale Sarca in the same direction of travel you will meet the University of Milano-Bicocca on your left, after about a kilometer.
- by plane: Linate Airport, take the bus n. 73 (direction S. Babila M1) and get off at Precotto. Then take the tram n.7 and get off at Greco Pirelli. Malpensa Airport: take the Malpensa Express train. From Cadorna station take the M1 line (direction: Sesto 1° Maggio). Then take the tram n. 7 and get off at Greco Pirelli. Orio al Serio airport: take the bus toward Stazione Centrale, then take the bus n. 87.
Ministero dell'Universita e Ricerca
Programma Ricerche Artico
Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide
National Research Council
Institute of Polar Sciences
c/o Scientific Campus - Ca' Foscari University Venice - Via Torino, 155 - 30172 VENEZIA MESTRE (VE)
Phone: +39 041 2348547 - E-mail: protocollo.isp AT pec.cnr.it
Fax: +39 041 2348 549 - Codice Fiscale: 80054330586 - P.I.:02118311006
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