Degree in Geological Sciences in 1987 in Bologna. Researcher at the CNR Institute of Marine Sciences from 1994 to 2019, he has been involved in biogeochemical and sedimentological research in the marine and coastal environment.
Sedimentology, biogeochemistry and dynamics of marine sediments and particles. Main focus on flux and mass balance calculations for carbon, as well as biogenic and terrigenous constituents to understand origins, transport pathways and fates of particles on continental margins. Study of organic matter in the sediment and of nutrient fluxes at the water-sediment interface. His research interests currently are: (a) vertical fluxes of particles and lateral transportation of materials from the continental shelf to deep basins in Arctic and Mediterranean Sea; (b) Non-destructive core logging/scanning methods including XRF Core Scanning.
Participation at EC and Arctic projects (Snow, Arca, Defrost). PI or WP leader of projects funded by ONR and national projects. Participation in more than 75 oceanographic cruises between 1990 and 2019 (on which 20 as Chief Scientist) for a total of 525 days of shipboard experience.
Author and co-author on over 158 publications (+ 120 abstracts) included data and technical reports, of which 62 publications on Scopus, 1513 citations, H index = 23.
Scopus - Author ID: 6602827994 Google Scholar