Montagna Paolo

Montagna Paolo Director of Research at CNR-ISP.
Laurea (M. Sc. equiv.) in Geology (1999), University of Padova. PhD (European Doctorate Label) in Earth Sciences (2005), University of Padova, in collaboration with the Australian National University.
His research mainly focuses on the development and application of geochemical proxies for paleoclimate reconstructions on a variety of timescale and aims to address some of the fundamental aspects of the biomineralization mechanisms in calcifying organisms (corals, molluscs, calcareous algae). This includes the analysis of minor and trace elements, as well as stable (11B/10B) and radiogenic (143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr, 230Th/U) isotopes in biogenic carbonates.
He has acquired significant expertise in the geochemistry of biogenic carbonates, physical and chemical oceanography and deep-sea habitat mapping while working for extended periods at world leading institutions for geochemistry and paleoclimate related studies (Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, Australian National University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Université Paris-Saclay and University of Western Australia). He has participated to 20 oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and the Ross Sea off Antarctica (some of them as chief or co-chief scientist), and several SCUBA diving expeditions in the Caribbean Sea, Red Sea, Indian and Pacific Ocean.
He has authored more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 4 book chapters, more than 120 abstracts and 20 invited talks, and he has served as a proposal reviewer for ERC Advanced Grant, NSF-USA, ANR-France, CNRS/INSU-France, NSERC-Canada, FONDECYT-Chile, DFG-Germany, ISF-Israel, Czech Science Foundation, EUROFLEET Plus, Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza Professional Fellowship, SCOR WG and Italian Programme for recruitment of young researcher as well as for 25 peer-reviewed scientific journals.

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