Azzaro Filippo

Azzaro Filippo His scientific activity has been devoted to the control of chemico-physical and biological parameters of sea-water, with particular regard to the nutrient evaluation, both by traditional techniques and by means of instruments on line analysis (mobile station, oceanographic buoy) and to the evaluation of trophic parameters (chlorophyll a, ATP).
From 1990 he is responsible of the laboratory of chemical oceanography. He participated in several oceanographic cruises of national and international programs. Mission chief of several oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea. From 1989 has participated national program for the research in Antarctica.
He participated in the following Italian scientific expeditions to Antarctica: X Italian-Belgian-U.S. within ROSSMIZE (1994/95), XIX VLT (2003/04), XX ABIOCLEAR (2004/05), XXXI CEFA (2015-2016) e XXXII P.ROSE e CELEBER (2016-2017) programme. He produced about 100 scientific publications.

Scopus - Author ID: 8516485200

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