The 6th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP6) will take place June 18-22, 2023, in a potentially hybrid format with online and in-person attendance to Puigcerdà, Catalonia, Spain.
Contact: International Permafrost Association
ISP di Venezia in collaborazione con Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia organizzano due seminari che si potranno seguire sia in presenza (a Venezia-Mestre) che online. (Per info Andrea.Spolaor AT
• 17 maggio 2022 2:00 p.m - Dr. Rachael Rhodes (University of Cambridge) - Title: Reconstructing past sea ice variability: can ice cores help?
Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 870 5240 1545 Passcode: 0u436a
Abstract: Sea ice is a critical component of Earth's climate and biogeochemical cycles. Relatively large and abrupt changes are possible, leading to significant positive feedbacks. Many argue that such changes have occurred in the past. Here I examine how the geochemical signal preserved in polar ice cores can help reconstruct past sea ice behavior over a range of time scales.
• 18 maggio 2022 10:00 a.m. - Dr. Thomas Bauska (British Antarctic Survey) - Title: Unraveling the drivers of atmospheric CO2 in the last glacial period
Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 833 1140 1076 Passcode: 4p537w
SIOS in cooperation with the National Research Council of Italy offers a training course on metrology in Svalbard. The participants will learn about general and applied metrology with special focus on data quality for environmental observations, WMO measurement guidelines, terminology and uncertainty evaluation prescriptions.The training course will cover specific aspects of metrology for instruments and observing sites in the Arctic. The training will be delivered by Prof. Andrea Merlone, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, National Research Council of Italy.
Registration deadline: 16 May 2022 - Register here
EMBO Practical Course Integrating traditional and molecular approaches in ecology of glacial habitats (ICME)
The International Arctic Workshop is a friendly, informal, and relaxed conference open to all students and professionals interested in the Arctic. This year, and for the first time in the High Arctic, the Svalbard Science Centre is hosting the meeting in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway.
Programme - Registration - Contact
Strategie ecosostenibili per contrastare la diffusione degli antibiotici e dell’antibiotico resistenza negli ecosistemi: il Progetto AZeRO antibiotici
Il Workshop riporta i principali risultati ottenuti nell’ambito del Progetto AZeRO antibiotici, finanziato da Lazio Innova – Regione Lazio. Il progetto è stato realizzato presso i laboratori del CNR-IRSA e CNR-ISP di Roma e il Laboratorio Processi Biotecnologici per l’Energia e per l’Industria del Dipartimento Energia dell’ENEA Casaccia.
Nel programma gli interventi di:
- Francesca Spataro (CNR-ISP) - Determinazione analitica di antibiotici in diversi comparti ambientali
- Jasmin Rauseo (CNR-ISP) - Studio della relazione tra concentrazione di antibiotici e diffusione dei geni della resistenza nell’ambiente utilizzando un approccio ecologico
Evento di avvicinamento all'European Maritime Day
Nel corso dell'incontro, che si terrà sia in presenza che online, interverrano i ricercatori Leonardo Langone e Tommaso Tesi (CNR-ISP): Amplificazione artica e cambiamenti climatici
Programma della II Edizione
Martedì 5 Aprile torna a Genova Italia chiama Artico, il festival di Osservatorio Artico.
La manifestazione si svolgerà in una giornata intera di incontri e tavole rotonde che sarà possibile seguire in presenza ed in streaming.
Parteciperanno all'evento Vito Vitale (CNR-ISP) e, collegata con la Stazione Artica Dirigibile Italia, Stefania Gilardoni (CNR-ISP).
Since the Antarctic Treaty entered into force in 1961, representatives of the participating nations have met regularly for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM).
The 44th ATCM, from 23 May till 2 June 2022, is being hosted by Germany in Berlin. Matters on the agenda include topical questions relating to Antarctica and further developments on the coldest continent on our planet.
The Southern Ocean Action Plan aims to mobilise the #SouthernOcean community & inspire all stakeholders to seek engagement and leverage opportunities.
WEBINAR to present the content of the Action Plan and the future of the Southern Ocean community’s engagement in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. - Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 12:00pm UTC
La mostra fotografica Artica si compone di due serie fotografiche titolate rispettivamente 80° e Anabasis/Katabasis, scattate da Giulio Rimondi nel corso di una residenza d’artista nell’arcipelago delle Svalbard. Evento si avvale della collaborazione del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche e dell’Istituto di Scienze Polari (CNR-ISP).
• Palazzo Aliprandini-Laifenthurn, LIVO (TN) 7 maggio – 5 giugno 2022 - Comunicato Stampa
• Acquario Civico di Milano dal 19 marzo al 18 aprile 2022 - Comunicato Stampa
The 2022 theme of Arctic Frontiers, Pathways, reflects on the choices the Arctic is facing when addressing pressing global challenges.
8-11 May 2022 - Tromsø, Norway & Online
This autumn SIOS offers a training course on how to effectively use AI methods in Arctic Earth observation with special focus on research in Svalbard. The goal of the course is to teach participants the basic skills needed to use AI methods with Arctic Earth observation datasets. The training will be delivered by remote sensing experts from SIOS member institutions, international researchers, and experts from the industry. Official Site
Time: 5 - 9 September 2022
The EU4Ocean Coalition is preparing the Let’s listen to the Arctic Ocean event series, supported by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission.
The aim of the event is to give visibility to all relevant Arctic Ocean related communities, including schools and pupils, teachers, marine science educators, stakeholders from marine-related sectors, NGOs, youth, policy-makers and government representatives, public institutions, researchers and academia, conservationists, entrepreneurs, other ocean professionals as well as general citizens. Three virtual events on the 5th of April are offering insights into Arctic Ocean literacy activities and include active exchanges of these communities. Registration
Ministero dell'Universita e Ricerca
Programma Ricerche Artico
Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Scienze Polari
c/o Campus Scientifico - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Via Torino, 155 - 30172 VENEZIA MESTRE (VE)
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