Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia - Tra i ghiacci polari per studiare la Terra
Venerdì 30 Settembre ore 18:30-23
Sabato 1 Ottobre ore 18:30-23
I due Poli terrestri, lontani da fonti di inquinamento ambientale e atmosferico, possono fornirci informazioni importanti sulla storia e lo stato del nostro pianeta. L’Italia è impegnata in entrambi con attività di ricerca con il Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide e con il Programma di Ricerche in Artico. I ricercatori e le ricercatrici del CNR e dell’ENEA racconteranno come si vive e si lavora in ambienti cosi estremi, e presenteranno le attività di ricerca in corso.
SPECIALE DIRETTA con la stazione italo francese Concordia in Antartide VENERDI’ 30 Ore 20
Evento proposto e organizzato dal CNR-ISP, ENEA e PNRA nell'ambito del progetto ScienzaInsieme
JCIOI (Joint Commission on Ice-Ocean Interactions) invite you to join an online workshop (online) on ice-ocean interactions 17-19th October 2022. The workshop will address four key science themes:
1. The physics of the ice-ocean boundary
2. The role of glacial melt in the wider ocean
3. The impact of ocean-driven melt on glacier and ice sheet mass balance
4. New and emerging technologies for studying ice-ocean interaction
The EU Horizon 2020 projects ECOTIP and FACE-IT, in collaboration with the EU Polar Cluster, warmly invite you to attend a webinar on how EU science on Arctic marine biodiversity addresses knowledge gaps identified in the IPCC process and supports adaptation.
The webinar will be held on Wednesday September 21st 2022 from 13-14:30 CEST on the Zoom platform.
Please register here to receive the invitation link.
Please find the programme below, which can also be downloaded from this link.
10-11:00 CEST - Where: Zoom
This webinar will focus on; (1) How to access or request high-resolution satellite data useful for Arctic scientists?, (2) Which parameters one should think about while requesting data?, (3) What kind of data is available?, (4) What are these data useful for? In brief, the webinar speakers should guide the diverse arctic science community in demonstrating the usefulness of the high resolution data and the ways they can access the data. Speakers from KSAT and Planet.
Understanding the past climate variability and sensitivity from glacial archives is fundamental for placing the current changes in a longer-term context. The scientific ice core community is currently putting an enormous effort towards retrieving the oldest continuous ice core from Antarctica (Project Beyond EPICA) and training a new generation of ice core scientists capable of analyzing, interpreting, and modelling the new records that will be obtained (ITN DEEPICE project).
• Session INQUA-MARE: Pole to pole teleconnections as registered in Antarctic and Arctic Holocene Archives
With the expression “pole to pole teleconnections” we refer to climate anomalies in the Arctic region, caused by oceanic or atmospheric processes originating in the Antarctic region and vice versa. These anomalies are well recognized in today’s climate but are detected with difficulties in the paleoclimate archives. Within the frame of the CMP-Coastal & Marine Processes (Coastal and Marine Processes) Commission and of the SPLOSH (Submerged Palaeolandscapes of the Southern Hemisphere) International Focus Group, the “INQUA MARE” scientific action (INtegrated QUAternary MArine REcord at Sensitive Latitudes, 2020-2024) aims to exhaustively explore the interactions between the tropical and polar regions by studying the Holocene marine sediment records from Arctic, Antarctic and Tropical regions, considered as the most sensitive areas to climate change. With this session, we would like to “recap” the first two INQUA-MARE workshops focused on the Antarctic and on the Arctic realms respectively, to open the discussion also to the terrestrial environment, and to promote next INQUA-MARE workshop that will focus on tropical areas and worldwide teleconnections between high and low latitude regions. We therefore welcome contributions that explore (and possibly compare) Holocene marine and terrestrial records from the Antarctic and Arctic regions highlighting anomalies ascribable to the climate fluctuations regime on the opposite Pole.
This workshop will present how Copernicus supports EU’s policy actions by contributing to the monitoring of the Polar Regions. The workshop aims to address Polar resilience, the changing Arctic economy and not least the changing climate at both poles, and how Copernicus can support monitoring these key aspects and facilitate interactions and discussions between different stakeholders.
The aim of the online conference is to promote the work of PhD students, postdocs, researchers, senior scientists, and academics who are actively contributing to the science of Svalbard, to review the state-of-the-art Earth Observation and Remote Sensing applications in Svalbard and to provide a social experience to the Svalbard scientific community.
The 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences - Two decades of Korean Arctic research: Looking back to look forward
The 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences organized by Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) will be held online on September 20-21, 2022. This symposium aims to bring polar scientists together to discuss their research findings and promote international collaborative research. Official Site
The fifth SIOS Polar Night Week (PNW) will take place in Longyearbyen, 23-27 January 2023.
This annual meeting brings the SIOS community together for science seminars, working group meetings and plenary discussions. One of the highlights is the release of newest issue of the State of Environmental Science (SESS) report.
The EU-PolarNet 2 webinar gives an overview of the legal regime of the Arctic and outlines the existing Arctic governance structures.
The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is organized annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organizations involved in Arctic research.
The programme for the ASSW 2023 includes two parts.
Workshop in presenza ed online sulle ultime novità su metodiche e legislazione riguardanti le microplastiche - Locandina
ISPRA Roma Via Vitaliano Brancati 48
Tra gli interventi della giornata: Metodi di pretrattamento soft per l'analisi di microplastiche, additivi, plasticizzanti, e altre componenti del microlitter in diverse matrici ambientali - Fabiana Corami, CNR-ISP
7 Giugno 2022
The quest for oldest ice in Antarctica
Perché la comunità scientifica si impegna così tanto per arrivare al ghiaccio più vecchio in Antartide, fino a 1.5 milioni di anni? Barbara Stenni, professoressa ordinaria all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, racconterà la sfida del progetto Beyond EPICA, guidato dall’Istituto di Scienze Polari del CNR, per recuperare il ghiaccio più antico arrivando a 1.5 milioni di anni fa e degli sforzi della comunità scientifica per ricostruire le variazioni climatiche di questo periodo.
Meeting Zoom ID MEETING: 840 5425 9908 - PASSCODE: 0BGUW7
Il webinar è organizzato da Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice Core per EU Polar Cluster
EU-PolarNet 2 will arrange an on-line workshop on 7th June 2022 at 13-18 CEST, aiming to facilitate better alignment of observing system efforts in the Arctic and Antarctic, and to create actionable policy-level recommendations to accelerate the development of an integrated polar observing system.
Ministero dell'Universita e Ricerca
Programma Ricerche Artico
Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Scienze Polari
c/o Campus Scientifico - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Via Torino, 155 - 30172 VENEZIA MESTRE (VE)
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