Becherini Francesca

Becherini Francesca She took her degree in Physics at the University of Padua in 1999 and her PhD in Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University of Florence in 2007.
She joined the National Research Council of Italy in 2002 where she won a permanent position as a researcher in 2011. From 2002 to 2019 she worked at the Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate (ISAC), Padua, then she moved to the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP), Venice, where she is currently researcher.
Her research interests are in the fields of Atmospheric physics, Climatology and Microclimatology, Environmental Sciences.
At ISAC, she started working in microclimatology applied to the preventive conservation of cultural heritage assets, indoor environmental quality and energy saving, developing a large experience in multidisciplinary research projects. Then her research activity was more and more focused on climatology. Currently, her interest is on one side in climatic change research through the recovery, correction and analysis of proxy and instrumental series of climatic data; on the other in the study of atmospheric physical parameters and processes to investigate the energy balance and the polar climatic system. She was member of the coordination team of many FP5, FP7and H2020 European projects, and investigator in international and national projects. She was contract professor for masters and specialized course, tutor of PhD, BSc and MSc thesis.

Scopus - Author ID: 55370745600    ORCID    WoS Researcher ID: AAD-8969-2020    Research Gate: Francesca Becherini

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