Berto Daniela

Berto Daniela Graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies in 1993, researcher at ISPRA since 2000. Head of the oceanography and Contamination of Aquatic Environments laboratory since 2009 at the ISPRA in Chioggia. My analytical expertise concerns the chemical characterization (elemental and isotopic) of dissolved, particulate and sedimentary organic substance in marine environments, transition waters and polar environments; analysis of contamination of water, sediments and organisms by organotin compounds; characterization of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the trophic chain; analysis of dissolved nutrients in marine, transitional and polar waters. My activity focuses on the planning of the analytical activity required by the various institutional, national and European projects, in the evaluation of the quality of the data produced with the drafting of reports, field activities (boarding) and participation in institutional meetings and international conferences. In addition to my scientific activity, 70 international publications and 70 or more participations in conferences and posters, I am involved in terms of my chemical skills in national working groups and institutional roles, in particular as an expert and national representative in the established technical working groups at the European Commission and UNEP/MAP for the Barcelona Convention on the issue of contaminants since 2014. Since 2020 reference for Italy for WISE 6 -NRC for reporting activities.
Since 2021, I have been participating in the Arctic Table at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). National expert for the D4 and D8 descriptors in the Marine Strategy (MSFD) WGs and TSGs since 2017 in the European Expert Network on Contaminants group European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC).
Participation in several European projects MEDREGION (Support Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES Decision and programs of measures and contribute to regional/subregional cooperation), PNRA PROPOSE (Processes controlling the presence and distribution of pollutants in Ross Sea Area); HarmoNIA (Harmonization and Networking for contaminant assessment in the Ionian and Adriatic Seas), Interreg Program ADRION, European Marine Observation and Data EMODNET Chemistry Service Contract No. MARE/2012/10 – Lot 4 Chemistry; VECTOR LINE 6 The role of the Northern Adriatic continental shelf in Mediterranean carbon cycles (CARADRI); 2009 PNRA Trace metals in the Antarctic food web.

Other instrumentation

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ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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