Cavaliere Alice

Cavaliere Alice She obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Florence and a Ph.D. in Information Engineering (nonlinear dynamics and complex systems) at the same University. She later worked as a post-doc fellow at the CNR Bioeconomy Institute. She currently holds the role of technologist at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the CNR, based in Bologna, collaborating on the data management and administration of the IT infrastructures of the NADC (National Antarctic Data Center) and IADC (Italian Arctic Data Center) projects. Thanks to experience in the field of data management and their analysis also through machine learning techniques, it helps researchers publish and share the data collected from research, making them compatible with modern standards and adhering to the principles of data FAIRness and Open Science.

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L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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