
Calace Nicoletta Graduated in Chemistry in 1993, obtained a PhD in 1997, she has been a senior technologist at ISPRA since 2021 and a technologist since 2005. Specializing in the chemical contamination of freshwater and marine environments, sediments, and soil, over the years, she has carried out numerous activities, including chemical and ecotoxicological laboratory work aimed at developing analytical methodologies and environmental indicators. She has also been involved in fieldwork, including participation in four expeditions to Antarctica, two of which she coordinated the project personnel. Her activities also encompass training, processing and validating chemical data from environmental monitoring, and providing support to ministries and other entities.
Currently, she manages and participates in environmental research activities related to the management of chemical contamination and the diffusion processes of contaminants, in line with the institutional activities of the Institute. In recent years, she has provided technical-scientific support for activities related to the collection and organization of databases related to the monitoring of different types of water, to be transmitted at the European level (EIONET Soe). She is the national representative (NRC) for Marine, coastal, and maritime issues at the European Environment Agency.
In past years, she has provided technical-scientific support for reporting activities related to the Nitrates Directive, activities related to the management and reclamation of some Sites of National Interest, the IPPC/AIA Commission, and the VIA Commission. For about 20 years, she has been involved in polar environment research, starting during her academic years and continuing to the present. She currently coordinates a Collaboration Agreement with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). She is involved in several national and international research projects and has produced more than 80 refereed and non-refereed scientific publications.

Cerri Sofia Environmental Scientist and PhD candidate in Polar Science, at Cà Foscari University of Venice.
She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Milano-Bicocca, interested in climate change, atmospheric chemistry and physics, driven by a desire to protect the Planet; she continued her studies, obtaining her MSc degree, with Honors, in Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Milano-Bicocca, with a thesis on paleoclimate reconstruction; studying eolian mineral dust trapped in the RICE, Antarctic ice core.
Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Polar Science at Cà Foscari University of Venice, with her research project she is working on atmospheric chemistry, studying the atmospheric heating rate in the Arctic due to Black Carbon, a crucial topic for the comprehension of the Arctic amplification phenomenon.

Monzali Matteo I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan, Italy.
My background includes a bachelor's degree in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Florence, followed by a master's degree in Physics of the Earth System at the University of Bologna.
My research focuses on snow and ice multispectral remote sensing, where I investigate the physical properties of the snowpack and the radiative effects that dust and algae have on it. Beyond my primary research, I am interested in drones, instrumentation, and atmospheric dynamics.

Berto Daniela Graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies in 1993, researcher at ISPRA since 2000. Head of the oceanography and Contamination of Aquatic Environments laboratory since 2009 at the ISPRA in Chioggia. My analytical expertise concerns the chemical characterization (elemental and isotopic) of dissolved, particulate and sedimentary organic substance in marine environments, transition waters and polar environments; analysis of contamination of water, sediments and organisms by organotin compounds; characterization of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the trophic chain; analysis of dissolved nutrients in marine, transitional and polar waters. My activity focuses on the planning of the analytical activity required by the various institutional, national and European projects, in the evaluation of the quality of the data produced with the drafting of reports, field activities (boarding) and participation in institutional meetings and international conferences. In addition to my scientific activity, 70 international publications and 70 or more participations in conferences and posters, I am involved in terms of my chemical skills in national working groups and institutional roles, in particular as an expert and national representative in the established technical working groups at the European Commission and UNEP/MAP for the Barcelona Convention on the issue of contaminants since 2014. Since 2020 reference for Italy for WISE 6 -NRC for reporting activities.
Since 2021, I have been participating in the Arctic Table at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). National expert for the D4 and D8 descriptors in the Marine Strategy (MSFD) WGs and TSGs since 2017 in the European Expert Network on Contaminants group European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC).
Participation in several European projects MEDREGION (Support Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES Decision and programs of measures and contribute to regional/subregional cooperation), PNRA PROPOSE (Processes controlling the presence and distribution of pollutants in Ross Sea Area); HarmoNIA (Harmonization and Networking for contaminant assessment in the Ionian and Adriatic Seas), Interreg Program ADRION, European Marine Observation and Data EMODNET Chemistry Service Contract No. MARE/2012/10 – Lot 4 Chemistry; VECTOR LINE 6 The role of the Northern Adriatic continental shelf in Mediterranean carbon cycles (CARADRI); 2009 PNRA Trace metals in the Antarctic food web.

Antonelli Giuseppe He comes from ENEA where he gained experience in administration, including being responsible for the administration of the Consortium for the Implementation of PNRA S.c.r.l. and R.U.P. for various procedures, and logistics activities. He had the opportunity to participate in some Antarctic campaigns at Mario Zucchelli Station and aboard the R/V Laura Bassi. In logistics since 2007, he had the responsibility of the ENEA office in Christchurch and the service contract with the shipping/customs agent in Hobart, as well as the management of air, sea and land shipments of PNRA related materials, also taking care of the customs aspects.

Pansera Marco He obtained the PhD title in Environmental Sciences: Marine Environment and Resources (XXXIII Cycle) at the University of Messina in 2011 (2011). The main research interests concern the ecology of meso/macroplankton in transitional and marine environments and the management of fixed observation sites (buoys and oceanographic beacons) aimed at the acquisition of chemical-physical parameters and the biological characterization of the communities. His main skills and competences concern the knowledge of zooplankton sampling and analysis techniques, the use and development of measuring and sampling instruments of both the physical and biological component. He has participated in numerous oceanographic campaigns in the Mediterranean Sea and in long-term monitoring and research programs in marine and transitional environments. He is the author/co-author of over 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals and numerous technical reports. He is currently involved in the implementation of the oceanographic observatory on the Svalbard Islands.

Di Leo Guglielmo He holds a degree in economics from the University of Messina, where he obtained a Master's degree in Economic-Business Sciences with honours and a 1st Level Master's degree in Expert for Economic-Business Professions. Over the years, he has developed a solid background in administration within the CNR, where she initially held the position of curricular and extracurricular trainee at the former CNR-IAMC and CNR-IRIB sites in Messina. The training he undertook also led him to win a scholarship at the CNR-IRIB Messina site. Thanks to his experience as a scholarship holder, where he was mainly involved in supporting: the reporting of regional and national projects; expenditure management, with the preparation of contracting determinations, acquisition of smart CIGs, expenditure orders with subsequent registration of the contract on the SIGLA system, registration of invoices; personnel management; essential support to the management of the institute's administrative activity. Since November 2023, he has been employed with an open-ended contract of employment with the profile of Technical Collaborator, level VI, and currently works in the administrative office of the CNR-ISP Messina office.

Amaral Wasielesky Ana Bachelor in oceanography at Federal University of Rio Grande. Erasmus Mundus double master degree in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA) at University of Bologna, University of Cadiz and University of Algarve. Since 2022 is a PhD student in Polar Sciences at Ca’Foscari University of Venice and at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS). Currently focusing the thesis in the ocean circulation in the Southern Ocean using ARGO float mesurements.

Galli Giacomo Master’s degree in environmental sciences at the University of Pisa. After a two-months period at the National Natural history Museum in Luxembourg, and after a period spent as a research fellow in the University of Pisa, I enrolled in the Polar Science Ph.D. program at the university of Ca’Foscari in Venice. My research revolves around paleoenvironmental reconstruction in Antarctica’s fjord utilizing calcareous microfossils.

ORCID https://orcid.org/0009-0008-2199-379X    Research gate

Tosco Monica PhD student in polar sciences at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Bachelor graduated in Physics at University of Torino and master graduated in Physics of Meteoclimatic System at University of Torino. The master thesis was based on an analysis of the Apollo cyclone and its possible transition to MEDIterranean hurricane (MEDICANE) during the 26-29th October 2021 using the WRF meteorological model.

Now she is working on remote sensing analysis of polar regions especially on the comparison of land and satellite measures near the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO) in Greenland.

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