
Mazzola Mauro He mainly deals with two research topics: the physical and optical characterization of atmospheric particulate matter, also known as aerosol, and the estimate of the energy balance at the surface. As for the first topic, he uses techniques such as solar and lunar photometry for the estimation of the optical thickness of the aerosols in the atmosphere, the in-situ measurement of the scattering and absorption coefficients and the size distribution, through online optical. This last type of measurement is also carried out on profiles obtained by means of a tethered balloon. As for the energy balance, he uses an integrated approach between measurements and calculation codes for the radiative part, while the heat and mass balances are estimated by direct eddy covariance measurements. These activities take place mainly at the CNR infrastructures in Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) and at the Korean base Jang Bogo in Antarctica, a country in which a close collaboration has been active for years.
He is author of about 100 publications including journal articles and contributions in scientific books.

Scopus - Author ID: 24367405100    ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8394-2292    Google Scholar

Lupi Angelo His main activities are focused in the study of the optical properties of the atmosphere, the interactions between ultraviolet radiation, visible and infrared with atmospheric constituents; his research interests have turned to the impact that aerosols, trace gases and clouds exert on the radiation balance of the Earth-atmosphere system, focusing in particular on the assessment of the direct radiative effects produced by the aerosol, on the assessment of the radiation balance in the polar areas and the role that gas trace, aerosols and clouds in these regions have particularly sensitive.
The scientific activity has been divided among the experimental research (mainly solar photometry, measurements of downwelling and upwelling radiative fluxes in the visible and near-and far-infrared, aerosol optical and physical properties), and modelling using radiative transport codes for the evaluation of the radiative fluxes in the atmosphere. Over the past years he has participated at multiple Antarctic polar campaigns, gaining experience in instrumentation and data analysis. He is co-author of more than 50 articles in international journals.

Scopus - Author ID: 7005284903    ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5009-9876

Langone Leonardo He is interested in determining rates of aquatic processes involving sediment particles, using radioactive tracers and time-series sediment traps. Particle dynamics is then applied to the study of the effects of climate change on the marine and polar environment, such as: a) biogeochemical cycles of organic C and biogenic silica in the Southern Ocean, Fram Strait and Mediterranean Sea; b) Late Quaternary paleoceanographic reconstructions using biogenic and radionuclide components; c) estimates of atmospheric CO2 growth rate in remote and polar ocean; c) particle transport by dense water cascading down to the deep marine realm; e) historical reconstruction of the sediment pollution of lacustrine and coastal environments in highly populated and remote polar areas.
Participation at EC and national projects. PI of projects funded by industry and ONR. PI or WP leader in Antarctica and Arctic projects. CNR scientific contact in EU-ARICE and EU-INTERACT III. Experience >30 years of oceanographic campaigns with 90 participations (18 as Chief Scientist) in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Southern Ocean and Arctic ocean. Scientific coordinator of marine activities during 2 Italian expeditions in Antarctica. He is the pro-tempore Director of the Institute of Polar Sciences of the Italian CNR (CNR-ISP).
He is author or co-author of ca. 100 scientific papers published on ISI journals with Impact Factor, ca. 60 scientific papers published on no-ISI journals, 7 chapters of book, 30 technical reports and cruise reports. Citation number amounts to about 2500, with a Hirsch factor (h-factor) of 27 (font Scopus).

Scopus - Author ID: 6603776561    Research Gate    Google Scholar

La Mesa Mario Laurea cum Laude in Biology (1990), at the II University of Rome. From 2001 to 2019, he was recruited as permanent position scientist at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Ancona.
Currently, he works at the Institute of Polar Sciences of CNR in Bologna. His fields of interest include age determination through otolith analysis, reproductive biology and feeding habits of fishes from both Mediterranean and Antarctic waters. He participated to several research projects funded by EC, MIUR and PNRA.
He was involved for a long time with foreign scientists on Antarctic topics and participated to several international scientific cruises in the Southern Ocean (mainly Germany and USA). Currently, he is author/co-author of about 100 papers published on peer-reviewed journals (JCR).

Scopus - Author ID: 6701474004    ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3716-0054    Research Gate    Google Scholar

Gilardoni Stefania Education and previous professional experience. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2003). Degree in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2000)
Senior researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy (ISP-CNR), August 2019 – present. Researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council of Italy (ISAC-CNR), July 2011-July 2019. Visiting scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, February 2011- March 2011. Researcher at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, October 2007-September 2010. Researcher at the University of California San Diego, July 2005-September 2007. Researcher at the University of California Davis, February 2004-July 2005. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2003) Degree in Chemistry from the University of Milano (2000)
International activities. Editor for "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" (since 2013). Editor for "Aerosol and Air Quality Research" (since 2011). Guest Editor for "Atmosphere" special issue on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (2017). Referee for scientific papers: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research. Italian expert in the “Expert Group on Black Carbon and Methane” of the Arctic Council (since 2019). Working group leader for organic aerosol source apportionment of the COST Colossal project (2017-2021).
Area of scientific interest: Chemical and physical characterization of atmospheric aerosol with particular attention to the carbonaceous components, their chemical composition, microphysical properties, climate-relevant properties, and formation mechanisms. Cloud - aerosol interaction. Impact of air quality and climate change on fog formation.
Author of 58 publications in peer review journals and 5 chapters in books (h-index 21 – web of science)

Scopus - Author ID: 6602523027    ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7312-5571    WoS Researcher ID: P-1283-2014    Google Scholar

Barbaro Elena Ph.D.: Researcher at Institute of Polar Sciences-CNR (ISP), Venice, Italy;
2013 to 2018 - Post-doctoral fellowship, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy and Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes-CNR (IDPA), Venice, Italy;
2010-2012 PhD student in Chemical Sciences.
Research interests:
- Environmental chemistry; Her research is mainly focused on the investigation of chemical markers in several environmental compartments (ice, snow, aerosol, lake water, sediments) to define sources and transport processes mainly in the remote polar areas (Arctic and Antarctica).
- Development of very sensitive analytical methodsusing liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS/MS) and ion chromatography coupled with mass spectrometers (IC/MS) to investigate several chemical compounds at trace and ultra-trace concentration.
She has a deep experience in sample preparation in clean labs to determine organic compounds at trace and ultra-trace concentrations. She has participated in several scientific campaigns in the polar regions (Antarctica and the Svalbard Islands). Publications and bibliometrics H-index: 12 (Scopus); 41 scientific (SCOPUS) papers.
>50 poster and oral communications at scientific meetings; 2 invited oral presentations at international and national meetings National and International Appointments
2019-2015 Researcher under International Arctic Campaigns (Ny Alesund, Svalbard);
2012, 2014 Researcher under Antarctic campaigns (on-board Italica vessel and at Mario Zucchelli Station); Research projects
2018 - 2019 RCN - SSG- Spatial Distributions of Black Carbon and Mineral Dust in Air and Snow Surface Layers upon Svalbard Glaciers: participant;
2017-2019 PNRA - EvASIon - Mercer and Whillans lakes: Evolution of hydrologically Active Subglacial environments: participant;
2016-2017 RCN - SSG– Community Coordinated Snow Study in Svalbard: participant;
2012-2014 PNRA - CaBiLA: Geochemical characterization of Antarctic subglacial lakes: participant;
2012 - 2016 EU – Early Human Impact: participant

Scopus - Author ID: 46961088400    ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2639-7475    Google Scholar

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