EXPLO-HALO Title: Exploring and exploiting the diversity of extremely halophilic prokaryotic communities in food-grade salts and high salt-fermented food stocks
Principal Investigator ISP: Mikhail Iakimov
Research Unit Leader ISP: Violetta La Cono
Leading Institution: Institute of Polar Sciences (CNR-ISP)
Funding: CNR, Unità Relazioni Europee e Internazionali
Period of activity: 2020 - 2022

In the frame of CNR-VAST bilateral collaboration project faces the unique opportunity to investigate the Italian (Trapani and Bari) and Vietnamese (Mekong delta and Nha Trang) artisanal sea salt-work sites, feeding by Mediterranean and South China Sea. Freshly produced sea salt, brine and surficial sediments in the crystallizer ponds will be collected for the subsequent DNA isolation and sequencing, performed in corresponding laboratories in Messina and in Hanoi. The EXPLO-HALO proposal will take another advantage of this CNR-VAST bilateral collaboration by studying the high salt-fermented umami flavoring fish sauces, typical either for Italy (Garum and Colatura di alici) or for Vietnam (Nước mắm pha and Mắm nêm). A series of molecular signatures (16S rRNA genes, genes involved in carotenoid and rhodopsin metabolism, genes encoding glycosyl hydrolases, proteases and esterases), specific for define area of sea salt production, will be analyzed. Procurement of such molecular certification can lead to a strong positive effect on the value of traditional high-salt fermented food productions and the territory that utilize sea salt.

The specific objectives of the project are: (i) enzymes involved in metabolism of carotenoids, rhodopsins and osmolites, compounds responsible for the specific taste, flavor and color of salt; (ii) proteases, esterases and glycosyl hydrolases, enzymes responsible for potency and specificity of locally performed high salt fermentation. Results from (meta)genomic approaches will be correlated with eventual seasonal fluctuations occurred during salt works and fermentation events within the period of at least 2 years (proposal running). Subsequent analysis of these results will be used to obtain the core of salt- and product-specific molecular signatures supported by their established deviation range. This intertwining of experimental and computational procedures will be pivotal for the EXPLO-HALO proposal.

Project Partners
• Institute of Marine Biochemistry, VAST (Vietnam)

Main Publications
• La Cono, V., Toshchakov, S.V., La Spada, G., Grisafi, F., Smedile, F., De Pascale, D., Ninh, K.B., Golyshin, P.N. and and Yakimov, M.M. (2021) Antarctic wintertime simulation induces changes in microbial communities composition of sea ice brine. Microorganisms (In Preparation)

Last modified on Monday, 26 February 2024 11:56

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