NHIS Evolution of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets: timing, drivers, and interconnections 4-7 February 2025, Belfast, Northern Ireland

MagellanPlus workshop announcement
Workshop Aims:
- To explore synergies among different ocean drilling initiatives and ideas targeting the evolution of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and feedback mechanisms between cryosphere, oceans, and atmosphere.
- To consolidate existing and develop new ideas and proposals to be submitted to IODP3 to optimise any future drilling expeditions in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans, and their gateways.
- To develop links to other IODP3 themes, such as geohazards, tectonics and deep life.
- To involve ice sheet and climate modellers, who can help focus the scientific objectives towards the ground truthing of future climate change.
- To foster international collaborations among researchers and support Early Career Researchers’ involvement in ocean drilling.
flyer – registration link

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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