Plaksina Alisa

Plaksina Alisa Got her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Care at the University of Padova with a thesis on Caffeine-induced Changes in a shoal behaviour of Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona). During her studies went to the University of South Bohemia, Institute of Complex Systems FFPW to participate in a project on Changes in shoal behaviour of aquarium fish in the presence of contaminants. Afterwards obtained her Master’s degree in Marine Sciences at the University of Milan-Bicocca with a thesis Picophytoplankton dynamics in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste). During the course of her studies went to Thudufushi, Maldives as a Marine Biologist. Moreover, did an experience at The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS (Trieste) using optical (flow cytometry), molecular, and bioinformatics techniques for the study of planktonic microbes in the Gulf of Trieste and Venice. Currently works at the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP-CNR) in Messina with a research project HALOVITA: anaerobic sulfur-respiring extreme halophilic archaea as model organisms for studying the criteria for a claim of active life detection.

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