Battistel Dario

Battistel Dario Associate professor at Ca' Foscari Unvierity of Venice (Italy) since 2019. He holds a PhD degree in Chemistry at Ca' Foscari (2011). The research interests have been focused on the development of electroanalytical methods for sensing and imaging (SECM). Since 2013, the research activity has been focused on the development of analytical methods mainly based on GC/MS and their application in environmental science and palaeoclimatology. He has been the coordinator of the project of Ateneo 2015 "The last tree standing" and of the project INSIDE in the framework of the programme SPIN 2018. Ha has been coordinator unit of the project Evasion in the framework of the PNRA 2016 programme. The research activity led to the pubblications of 39 papers with more than 400 citations (H-index 12). Since 2019 he is member of the editorial board as academic editor of the journal PlosONE and referee of a number of scientific journals.
Since 2013 he has in charged the teaching activity in Climate of the Past (Environmental Science), Chemical Methods for Cultural Heritage Materials (Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage) and Analytical Chemistry (Chimica e Tecnologie Sostenibili).
Since 2016 he has been member of the Didactic Board and member of the Quality Assurance (AQ) Board in Conservation Science and Technology for the Cultural Heritage at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. Member of the PhD Program in Environmental Science of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and Member of the Joint Committee Professors – Students (Commissione Paritetica Docenti – Studenti CPDS)

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