Langone Leonardo

Langone Leonardo He is interested in determining rates of aquatic processes involving sediment particles, using radioactive tracers and time-series sediment traps. Particle dynamics is then applied to the study of the effects of climate change on the marine and polar environment, such as: a) biogeochemical cycles of organic C and biogenic silica in the Southern Ocean, Fram Strait and Mediterranean Sea; b) Late Quaternary paleoceanographic reconstructions using biogenic and radionuclide components; c) estimates of atmospheric CO2 growth rate in remote and polar ocean; c) particle transport by dense water cascading down to the deep marine realm; e) historical reconstruction of the sediment pollution of lacustrine and coastal environments in highly populated and remote polar areas.
Participation at EC and national projects. PI of projects funded by industry and ONR. PI or WP leader in Antarctica and Arctic projects. CNR scientific contact in EU-ARICE and EU-INTERACT III. Experience >30 years of oceanographic campaigns with 90 participations (18 as Chief Scientist) in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Southern Ocean and Arctic ocean. Scientific coordinator of marine activities during 2 Italian expeditions in Antarctica. He is the pro-tempore Director of the Institute of Polar Sciences of the Italian CNR (CNR-ISP).
He is author or co-author of ca. 100 scientific papers published on ISI journals with Impact Factor, ca. 60 scientific papers published on no-ISI journals, 7 chapters of book, 30 technical reports and cruise reports. Citation number amounts to about 2500, with a Hirsch factor (h-factor) of 27 (font Scopus).

Scopus - Author ID: 6603776561    Research Gate    Google Scholar

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L’Italia e l’Antartide

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