Viola Angelo Pietro

Viola Angelo In memory (1955 - 2023)
He graduated degree in Physics at the University of Rome La Sapienza a thesis in physical oceanography. Hired in 1984, in the CNR he carried out research in the field of satellite remote sensing of the sea surface. In 1992 he began to deal with processes in the atmospheric boundary layer using acoustic remote sensing from the ground. He collaborated in the development and implementation of sodar (SOund Detection and Ranging) in the development of new methodologies for observing the lower atmosphere. As part of these activities, he participated in several campaigns in Antarctica at the Mario Zucchelli and Concordia stations, for the study of the dynamic characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer in a polar environment.
Since 2009 he has oriented his research activity on the processes relating to climate change in the Arctic polar region, which has seen a strong revival of research in the atmosphere, with the construction of the Climate Change Tower, an important infrastructure to measure physical parameters of the lower atmosphere, for which he is responsible. He currently has a coordination role in the working group of the Italian research activities at Svalbard, he represents the CNR in the NYSMAC and is included in the SIOS coordination working groups for the data management in Svalbard (SDMS) and he is Chair of the WG for Research Infrastructures Coordination Committee (RICC). He is also one of the Italian representative within the Arctic Council's AMAP (atmospheric monitoring) working group. Finally, he is the scientific manager of the IADC (Italian Arctic Data Center) the digital infrastructure for the management of data collected at the Arctic station Dirigibile Italia.

Scopus - Author ID: 7005414768    ORCID    Google Scholar

Arctic research stations

Dirigibile Italia

Antarctic research station

Mario Zucchelli

IT-FR Antarctic research station


ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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