Fioretti Anna Maria

Fioretti Anna Maria Anna Maria Fioretti graduated in Geology at the University of Padua (Italy) in 1983 and in 2007 she obtained a Master in Science Communication. Since 1985 she has been working for the National Research Council (CNR) at the Center for the Study of the Eastern Alps that afterwards became part of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources. Her scientific activity focused on the genesis and evolution of magmas and extraterrestrial rocks (meteorites). She took part in three expeditions in Antarctica within the Italian National Antarctic Research Program.
She was member of the Polar Research Committee of the CNR (CRP) and of the National Scientific Committee for Antarctica (CSNA). In 2017-2021 she was appointed as Science Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Australia. Back to Italy, she was seconded at General Directorate for Global Affairs of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) as an expert on Antarctic matters.
After retiring, she is now continuing her cooperation with the MAECI, on a voluntary basis, and she represents the CNR in the Strategic Board of the Ice-Memory Foundation.

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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