The International Workshop on Microplastic emergency and the associated plastisphere in freshwater habitats of the Arctic took place in Messina (Sicily, Italy) on 10 and 11 October. The state of the art of microplastic pollution was discussed by experts in the field to identify relevant knowledge gaps and challenges for future recommendations to address plastic pollution in Arctic freshwaters (e.g. snow, glaciers, lakes, rivers, and biota), together with a focus on the plastisphere as a novel microbial habitat. The workshop involved about 35 scientists, including early-career researchers. The brainstorming among participants and the the subsequent writing session were aimed at summarizing the workshop outcomes to be shared with ICARP IV (International Conference on Arctic Research Planning) for implementation. The Workshop was endorsed by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and received funding by the Italian Arctic Research Program (PRA). The organizers are grateful to the Fondazione Messina who hosted the Workshop at the Parco Horcynus Orca in Capo Peloro. Scientific Commitee: Angelina Lo Giudice, Maurizio Azzaro (CNR-ISP) - Flyer