Le attività svolte dalle nostre ricercatrici ISP sono finalizzate a indagare lo stato attuale della contaminazione da inquinanti organici normati ed emergenti nei sedimenti superficiali (campionati con box-corer) e nei sedimenti profondi (campionati con carotatori), tra cui composti perfluorinati, residui farmaceutici e prodotti per la cura personale, oltre agli alteratori endocrini. Questa ricerca mira ad approfondire le conoscenze per una migliore gestione degli impatti umani che incidono sull’ecosistema marino. Nel contesto dell'Adriatico, un mare semi-chiuso soggetto a elevata pressione antropica, questa attività fornirà un ulteriore tassello alla comprensione dei meccanismi che influenzano il ciclo del carbonio e dei nutrienti in relazione ai cambiamenti climatici in atto. I dati e i risultati degli studi saranno resi disponibili tramite Open Science, in conformità con i principi FAIR.
On board the "Gaia Blu" to investigate contamination in our seas: the PER24 Oceanographic campaign - Pollutants' Environmental Research 2024
The PER24 - Pollutants' Environmental Research oceanographic campaign aboard the R/V Gaia Blu in the Southern Adriatic Sea and the Strait of Otranto is nearing completion. The campaign focuses on multidisciplinary scientific activities aimed at assessing the extent of human-induced alterations on marine benthic ecosystems. Special attention has been given to anthropogenic organic contaminants and the processes of transport and transfer of these substances from shelf areas to deep basin regions. The campaign, coordinated by IRBIM-CNR, involves several universities (Univpm, UniUrb, UniCam), ISPRA, and other CNR institutes, including ISP.
The activities carried out by our ISP researchers focus on investigating the current state of contamination by both regulated and emerging organic pollutants in surface sediments (sampled using a box-corer) and deep sediments (sampled using corers), including perfluorinated compounds, pharmaceutical residues, and personal care products, as well as endocrine disruptors. This research aims to deepen knowledge for better managing human impacts on the marine ecosystem. In the context of the Adriatic Sea, a semi-enclosed basin subject to high anthropogenic pressure, this work will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms influencing carbon and nutrient cycles in relation to ongoing climate change. Data and study results will be made available through Open Science, in accordance with FAIR principles.