
The European Space Agency (ESA) is organising an Earth Observation (EO) training course in collaboration with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System, SIOS. The course will be held for researchers, students, PhD students and young professionals who use EO technology within their research or work and want to improve their knowledge of remote sensing. In total 24 students can attend the summer school.

Applications are open from 01 May to 03 June 2024.   Details


The Symposium focuses on work that makes use of CryoSat-2 or ICESat-2 or a combination of both satellites.
Abstract submission - Deadline: 10 May 2024     24 May 2024

Missions Status: including CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 satellite systems, sensors, and data operations, calibration and validation. Sea Ice: including lead detection, snow loading, sea ice freeboard, roughness, thickness, dynamics and thermodynamics. Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves: including long-term, seasonal, and episodic changes in ice sheet, ice shelf, and iceberg elevation, thickness, and mass, ice sheet grounding line migration, and iceberg calving, and subglacial lakes and hydrology. Mountain Glaciers and Ice Caps: including long-term, seasonal, and episodic changes in elevation, thickness, and mass. Oceans and hydrology: including polar and coastal oceans, regional and global sea level rise, marine gravity, and land hydrology. Synergies and follow-on missions: including planned and future missions that build on the heritage of polar altimetry.

La Società Italiana di Aerosol in collaborazione con Università Ca' Foscari e l'Istituto di Scienze Polari (CNR-ISP) sta organizzando l'International IAS summer school dal titolo Aerosol in polar and mountain areas: theoretical and practical aspect a Venezia-Mestre presso il Campus Scientifico Ca' Foscari dal 16 al 21 giugno 2024. La scuola è aperta a studenti di dottorato, post-doc e a tutti colori che vogliano ampliare le proprie conoscenze sulla tematica proposta. La scuola propone un programma approfondito con più di trenta relatori italiani ed internazionali, un'esperienza in campo presso il nostro osservatorio atmosferico di Col Margherita ed esperienze pratiche offerte dagli sponsor. 

Scadenza per le domande 20 aprile 2024



UP2.6 - The cryosphere and cold region processes in the climate systemThe 2024 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society will take place as a hybrid event at the Historical University of Barcelona & online from 2 to 6 September 2024. This conference focus topic aims to explore the critical role of weather and climate research in shaping policies, strategies, and technologies that will pave the way towards a climate-neutral Europe.
--->> UP2.6 - The cryosphere and cold region processes in the climate system
Conveners: Renato R. Colucci (CNR-ISP), Bianca Mezzina, Andrea Securo (CNR-ISP), Andrea Fischer
Polar regions are sentinels of climate change, biodiversity, and human resilience. They have experienced the most rapid rates of warming in recent years. Its expected impacts will exceed those forecasted for many other regions, resulting in significant consequences affecting natural ecosystems and human activities.
The 2nd European Polar Science Week is an important milestone in the cooperation between the European Commission and the European Space Agency.  

La Società Italiana di Aerosol organizza, in collaborazione con ARPA Piemonte, l’Università di Torino e la Regione Piemonte, il PM2024 XI Convegno Nazionale sul particolato atmosferico. Il Convegno mette a confronto, per alcuni giorni, la comunità scientifica su temi legati al particolato atmosferico, che spaziano dalla composizione chimica alle dinamiche di trasformazione e di trasporto in atmosfera, dal monitoraggio ai modelli di diffusione e di caratterizzazione delle sorgenti, dalla tossicità agli effetti sulla salute e, in generale, dalle strategie di intervento alla gestione delle problematiche in materia. Tra i vari Working Group: Aree polari e aree remote (WG4). 

Elena Barbaro (CNR-ISP) nel Comitato Scientifico del Convengo  -  III Circolare

ministero Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
L'Italia e l’Artico
L’Italia e l’Antartide

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